Follicle Luteinized

**Luteal follicles** (folliculi luteini) are endocrine glands, consisting of smooth muscle tissue and loose fibrous connective tissue, located in the ovarian cortex. Their beginning is associated with the lower part of the Müllerian duct, and their ending is associated with the blood-brain barrier.

The process of follicle formation occurs in stages. First, the zona pellucida appears in the prefollicular zone. Microvilli appear on it. Under the influence of increased levels of estrogen, the process of oogenesis is activated, resulting in the formation of primary follicles, from which secondary ones are formed. The growth of individual follicles occurs through various mechanisms. For example, one of the layers of theca cells (granulosa).

The **Folliculin** uterus and follicle are connected to each other by direct communication. Therefore, fn lies on its border with other types of fabrics. The acidic transparent liquid ensures the elasticity of the follicle wall. The secretion of one cell can fill almost the entire volume of the cavity. In addition, the animal's body is provided with a daily dose of progesterone produced by the membrane of the membrane. Its entry into the blood begins after the wall ruptures. It plays a significant role in the regulation of reproductive function. Estrogens are formed in the liver, where they are synthesized from fat. The connection between the production of sex hormones is established in such a way that fluctuations in the concentration in the blood of one always causes changes in the second. In this case, the corpus luteum secretes a large amount of estrogens. But the hormonal reaction is only a prerequisite for the onset of ovulation. Structural changes in the terminal sections of FSH and LH quickly activate FSH. Normally, some follicles progress, others regress.

Scientists from the University of Göttingen have discovered why some female and male pheromones (called “second sexes” because they are produced by the glands lining the testicular tissue under the influence of the main sex hormone, testosterone) provoke an increase in insulin levels. They determined that this leads to the production of male hormones in the woman's body - resulting in the formation of a double set of male genital organs