Follicle Growing

Growing follicle

There are millions of follicles in the ovaries of women, each of which has its own individual characteristics and can be at different stages of its development. Among them there are cells that are just beginning their journey of maturation, that is, growing, as well as cells that are at the peak of their maturity and are ready for ovulation (the release of an egg into the uterine cavity). In this article we will look at the first group of cells - growing follicles.

Growing follicles

Follicles are the primary sex glands of the human body. Follicular growth is the process of follicle growth from the initial stage to maturation (ovulation). During follicular growth, cells divide and fill the sac-like space within the corpus luteum, which is the main reproductive organ. The process of follicular maturation takes several weeks or months and can continue throughout a woman's life.

It is important to note that follicular growth can be disrupted by various factors, such as infectious diseases, hormonal imbalances or hereditary factors. Violation of follicular formation and maturation is associated with the occurrence of many diseases of the female body, including infertility and menstrual irregularities. In such cases, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination of the woman’s reproductive system and prescribe treatment if necessary.