Forbes Disease

Today, the incidence and prevalence of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) lead to the constant attention of scientists around the world on the discovery of new technologies aimed at developing a vaccine. Active work is constantly underway to create new medications that will help eliminate the most dangerous symptoms of the disease. Many specialized studies prove that coronavirus infection widely affects the human central nervous system. Particular attention is paid to convulsions and disturbances of consciousness. In this regard, the problem of studying Forbes disease, a neurological disorder that occurs against the background of COVID-19, is becoming increasingly urgent.

Forbes disease is a lesion of the central nervous system caused by coronavirus, which is manifested by disturbances in the functioning of the brain and spinal cord, as well as the peripheral nervous system. Cases of sudden loss of consciousness in patients with coronavirus infection, which is caused by Forbes shock, have been described. American doctor Gordon Bailey Frobe first described and studied this pathology of the nervous system during the COVID-19 pandemic

Forbes' problem is one of the most common and severe congenital malformations of the urinary tract.

The diagnosis of “Forbes disease” or “bilateral urethral valve” is determined and established after a comprehensive ultrasound examination. Including x-rays of both the chest and abdominal cavity, and of course a detailed urine test to determine the amount of residual urine. The disease progresses in different ways, sometimes you don’t even notice that something is wrong with you. Or, more often, on the contrary, discomfort is felt in the bladder area, urination becomes painful, which is associated with urine entering the wrong channel. But the problem can generally make itself felt already in adulthood, during pregnancy, when one or both kidneys begin to experience increased stress. A strong male patient is also important. Often women carry their pregnancy to term. And now, attention to the question: “Why do you need a girl, since you had a boy?!” 😂 jokes aside, but this pathology, as such, also occurs in boys, it’s just that their percentage is much smaller. Unfortunately, an accurate diagnosis cannot be made without a full and comprehensive examination by a specialist. And only then, together with a doctor, will it be possible to find ways to solve the problem and avoid various kinds of complications.