
The forehead (lat. frontis) is the part of the head located between the eyes and nose. It is an important part of the human face as it houses various organs and structures such as eyes, eyebrows, hair, skin, etc.

The forehead can have different shapes and sizes depending on the individual characteristics of each person. Most people have a convex and wide forehead, but some may have a flat or concave forehead. Also the forehead may be covered with hair or bald.

The forehead contains many important structures and organs. For example, it contains the eyes, which are the main organs of vision. The eyebrows are also located on the forehead and play an important role in expressing emotions and facial expressions. Additionally, the forehead contains hair follicles that produce hair. The skin on the forehead also plays an important role in protecting the body from various external influences.

In addition, the forehead has many functions in the body. For example, it is involved in thermoregulation, helping to keep the body warm or cool depending on the environment. The forehead is also home to various points and pressure points used in acupuncture and massage.

Thus, the forehead is an important part of the human face and body and it plays many functions in our body.