Forney Syndrome

**Forney syndrome** is a disease based on problems in metabolism, provoked by the accumulation of sodium and potassium ions during urination. Deviations associated with such ions have a detrimental effect on various organs, in particular the kidneys, nerves and internal systems. In the early stages of the disease, the disease practically does not manifest itself; the symptoms are typical for pathology of the nervous system. Later, the disease provokes damage to the heart and intestines. An important role in treatment is played by eliminating causative factors and reducing the concentration of ions in biological fluids.

The clinical picture differs depending on the cause and method of expression of the deviation. Some patients will have stable symptoms, while others will suffer from an acute form of the pathology.

Significant disorders in Forney syndrome occur in those suffering from hyperasthenia and hyperkalemia, and organ damage occurs. The congenital variant often leads to death. Manifestations are accompanied