Forssmann antigen

**Forssmann antigen** is a unique product that is being developed jointly by scientists from different countries, such as Germany and Russia. The basis for its creation was an antigen found in the blood of a patient with multifocal tuberculosis. This discovery aroused keen interest among scientific experts interested in studying this disease. Further research revealed that the basis for the development of tuberculosis is the mycobacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MBT), which is a pathogen that causes severe and intractable tuberculosis in humans. It was successfully detected in the patient’s body at a time when the disease was already in an advanced form. Thus, the microbe became a valuable research object, with the help of which it was possible to create a vaccine to combat tuberculosis - the first step towards the creation of drugs and anti-TB prevention in society.

Doctor of Medicine G. Pforzman and employee of the Institute for the Study of Human Heredity K. A. Kireevsky discovered an amazing antigen from the patient’s blood. Next, a series of experiments were carried out, during which it turned out that this antigen can be transformed so that the body can cope with certain infections, diseases or infection with harmful bacteria. It is also part of a new generation of vaccine developed specifically for the elderly and children. This approach would make it possible to effectively combat infectious diseases occurring in difficult climatic conditions, since conventional treatment is ineffective in such situations. In addition, the drug has an excellent safety record and is suitable for everyone, with the exception of people with allergic reactions to it. Antigen against tuberculosis has been used to create new effective products that are successfully used in the treatment of tuberculosis, as well as