Fortner Method

The Fortner Method is a method developed by John Fortner, a veterinary bacteriologist who was born in 1893. He was one of the first scientists to study microorganisms that cause disease in animals.

Fortner proposed a new method for cultivating microorganisms, which made it possible to obtain pure cultures of bacteria. This method is called the Fortner method.

Fortner's method involves growing bacteria in special nutrient media that contain all the necessary components for bacterial growth. The bacteria are then separated from the medium and purified from other microorganisms.

This method became very popular among scientists studying microorganisms and is still used today. It allows you to obtain pure cultures of bacteria, which is necessary for conducting various studies and developing new drugs.

Fortenna Method

The Fortner method is a treatment method for cats that is used to correct and maintain the healthy state of the animal’s body. The doctor uses this method when he wants to help the animal increase physical stress while the cat is breathing. In this case, the cat’s life becomes more active and interesting.

This method is based on the doctor’s special determination that during the procedure, when the cat is on the table to be used, a special table for animals, which is made of durable wood, is used.

Cats perceive this method with great pleasure, as they love high activity and complete dedication to their vital forces. The cat lies on a high-mounted table and moves across its entire surface, and not just along it. This convenient treatment process can preserve your pet’s health and prolong its life for many years.