
Fotil: an effective antiglaucoma drug from Finland

Fotil is a drug developed to treat glaucoma and reduce intraocular pressure. It belongs to the pharmacological group of antiglaucoma drugs and is known for its high efficiency and safety. Fotil is produced in Finland by the companies Leiras and Santen.

Fotil is presented in the form of eye drops that contain two active ingredients: pilocarpine and timolol. Pilocarpine helps dilate the pupil and improve the outflow of intraocular fluid, while timolol reduces the production of intraocular fluid. The combined action of these components helps control intraocular pressure and prevent the progression of glaucoma.

Fotil is effective in the treatment of various types of glaucoma, including open-angle and closed-angle glaucoma, aphakic glaucoma, secondary glaucoma, and in cases of increased intraocular pressure after surgery or when there is a risk of eye damage. It can also be used after cataract surgery.

Like any medicine, Fotil has its contraindications. Its use is not recommended for hypersensitivity to its components, acute iritis, sinus bradycardia, AV block II-III degree, uncompensated heart failure, cardiogenic shock, bronchial asthma and serious obstructive pulmonary diseases. During pregnancy, Fotil can be used only in cases where the expected benefit outweighs the potential risks to the fetus. Breastfeeding should be stopped during treatment.

Fotil may have some side effects. Local reactions may include a burning sensation, pain in the eye, redness of the connective membrane of the eye, increased lacrimation, headache and blurred vision in low light. Systemic side effects may also occur, such as nausea, diarrhea, increased sweating and salivation, low blood pressure, bronchospasm, heart failure and allergic reactions.

Before you start using Fotil, you should discuss interactions with other drugs with your doctor. Some oral beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers and reserpine may increase the side effects of Fotil on the cardiovascular system.

Data on cases of overdose with Fotil are limited, so there is no specific information about them. However, it is always recommended to follow the indicated dosages and take the drug only as prescribed by a doctor.

When using Fotil, you should pay attention to some features. It should be used with caution in patients undergoing surgery under general anesthesia or in patients with cardiovascular or cerebrovascular disease. You must also be careful when driving at night or in poor lighting, as Fotil can cause temporary visual impairment.

When using contact lenses before using Fotil, it is recommended to remove them and put them back no earlier than 15 minutes after using the drug. This is due to the possibility of deposition of the preservative benzalkonium chloride on contact lenses. After opening the bottle, the solution should be used within 1 month.

There is no information on the safety and effectiveness of Fotil in children, so its use in this age group is not recommended without consulting a doctor.

Fotil is an important antiglaucoma drug produced in Finland. Its effectiveness and safety make it a valuable tool in fighting glaucoma and maintaining eye health. However, before using it, you should consult with your doctor to get personalized recommendations and ensure the most effective and safe treatment.