Photo Coagulator

Unfortunately, I have not yet been able to find reliable information about this device. Coagulators are quite expensive devices; they can have different names and areas of application: from cosmetology to veterinary medicine. This is why the article cannot be written. Here is a partial list of applications of a coagulator or coagulation: Coagulation - clotting of biological fluids (blood, lymph). Removing blood from wounds (wounds). Injection of drugs into tissues. Capillaroscopy. A system for regulating the lumen of arteries, veins and capillaries. The operating principle of the laser is based on the generation of a photon when the potential difference between two atomic level transitions occurs. The method of treating pathological changes in the mucous membranes of the eyeballs is called coagulation. The advantage of the method is the precision and delicacy of the effect necessary to treat the structures of the eye, blood vessels and nerves. Any tissue of the body, including nerve and muscle, is susceptible to the light beam. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and does not require long-term rehabilitation after treatment.

Photo coagulators are special devices for photocoagulation that are used for medical and cosmetic purposes to treat diseases and improve the appearance of the patient.

The treatment process using a coagulator is called photocoagulation and it includes the following steps:

1. The patient's health is checked and a decision is made on what coagulation procedures should be performed. 2. Before the coagulation procedure begins, local anesthesia is administered to numb the pain and protect the skin from heat. 3. Next, the doctor adjusts the coagulator device to a specific operating mode. The light - red, green or blue - is adjusted in such a way that it does not have a harmful effect on the skin. 4. The skin is prepared for the coagulation procedure using special antiseptic solutions. After the procedure is completed, they help protect against infections. 5. The process ends with a skin treatment procedure. Typically, antiseptic agents are used in the composition of a hydrogel, which not only disinfects the skin, but also soothes after exposure to high-frequency light. 6. The next step is to fix the attachment on the skin. The doctor secures it with special screws so that coagulation occurs as accurately as possible. 7. An electrical discharge is generated in the coagulator and heat is supplied, as a result of which the affected tissues are heated to the desired temperature. This leads to blood clotting in the affected area and bleeding stops.