Photorejuvenation contraindications and consequences reviews

What woman doesn’t want to always look attractive, and not only for her man, but also for those around her? After all, the self-esteem of a representative of the fair sex largely depends on the number of people turning around. In the modern world, cosmetic procedures are very popular events, since with their help you can achieve the desired effect: remove wrinkles, even out complexion, get rid of freckles and age spots. Also today, a relatively new method of combating age-related changes in the structure of the dermis is gaining popularity - photorejuvenation. Contraindications and consequences, indications and effectiveness, prices and reviews - all this will be discussed in this article.


What is photorejuvenation?

The basis of the technique is IPL - intense pulsed light. The first devices using this technology appeared in the West in the early 1990s, and by the end of the same decade they were brought to Russia. The inventors of “eternal youth” (as was believed in those years) were scientists Parrish and Anderson. They told the public about this technique, but long before the devices appeared on the market.

In those early years, in fact, the real magician in the field of restoring youth was photorejuvenation. Contraindications and consequences, not always pleasant, were identified much later. Initially, selective photodermolysis was considered the basis of IPL. In simple terms, the light energy of a certain wave upon contact with the dermis became thermal, which led to heating of the tissues and their destruction. Thus, it became possible to remove hair follicles, acne and dilated capillaries. Neighboring tissues were not damaged.

When the contraindications became known, no one dared to open people’s eyes to photorejuvenation. The consequences and results of the device in some cases were truly terrible, but people continued to go for the procedure, because it was incredibly fashionable. This is not to say that this technique is a complete disadvantage. The technology really works, especially now that there are many different devices.


Who needs to undergo photorejuvenation procedure?

Not only women, but also men do this. Even representatives of the stronger half of humanity strive to improve their appearance, which helps with facial photorejuvenation. Contraindications and consequences will be described a little lower, but first about who may need such a procedure.

So, not only women who have noticeable signs of skin aging, but also young girls with other problems can visit a cosmetologist for photorejuvenation:

  1. dark spots;
  2. defects in the upper layer of the dermis;
  3. minor aesthetic flaws, for example, freckles, which not everyone likes;
  4. rosacea, acne;
  5. enlarged pores;
  6. rosacea and spider veins.

In general, the photorejuvenation procedure will help restore skin tone, renew cells, making them work, whiten the dermis, removing any cosmetic imperfections. The technique will also help ladies make their skin more elastic. This will restore attractiveness to the face, especially if some time ago the woman lost a lot of weight and that is why the skin may not be in its best shape.


What effect can be achieved using the procedure?

To understand what kind of result can be obtained, it is best to study the operating principle of the device with which photorejuvenation is carried out. Action, contraindications, reviews and indications - all this is based precisely on the technique of the procedure.

First, the cosmetologist cleans the skin, then puts on glasses with dark lenses for himself and the client to protect the organs of vision from flashes. Everything else is up to the device. Different attachments are used, the procedure time may vary depending on existing skin problems. During photorejuvenation, tingling or burning, sometimes even pain, is possible, but all this is considered normal.

A flash is the moment when a powerful impulse of a light wave penetrates deep into the epidermis, which leads to the cleansing and removal of various formations on the skin, and also activates collagen fibers. Thus, the face becomes elastic, rejuvenated, tightened and clean. For the best results, you need to complete the full course, although the first positive changes are noticeable immediately.


Photorejuvenation: contraindications and consequences

The procedure cannot be performed in the following cases:

  1. diseases of the nervous system, including epilepsy;
  2. pregnancy period;
  3. if your skin is intensely tanned;
  4. pathologies in the hematopoietic system, including coagulation disorders;
  5. damage to the integrity of the skin or an inflammatory process in the proposed treatment area.

The cosmetologist should warn about all this. The procedure is perhaps one of the safest, but in this case much depends on the professionalism of the doctor. It is better to look for a qualified specialist among your friends if you want to undergo photorejuvenation. Contraindications and consequences then will not be terrible, because the cosmetologist will warn in advance about possible side effects. For example it could be:

  1. Edema.
  2. Excessive redness of the skin.
  3. Burn.

But even if this happens, you shouldn’t worry, because all this will pass in just 3 days, leaving only the positive effect of the procedure.


How to care for your skin after the procedure?

If it is possible to perform photorejuvenation of facial skin, there are no contraindications, and, on the contrary, there are indications, then it is worth undergoing the procedure to restore beauty and youth. But you need to remember that after this it is important to follow certain recommendations.

  1. Avoid sunbathing for 2-3 weeks. In summer, protective creams with a high SPF level should be used.
  2. It is necessary to use decorative cosmetics as little as possible, and it is better to abandon them altogether.
  3. Instead of using a regular cream, use one that stimulates skin regeneration. For example, "Panthenol".
  4. You should not visit the bathhouse or sauna for three days after the procedure.

To maintain the effect, a single but regular repetition of the procedure is recommended. Also desirable:

  1. Drink at least two liters of fluid daily, as it is important for the proper functioning of all body systems.
  2. Make sure you have vitamins A and C in your diet.
  3. Proper skin care: cleansing with a scrub, moisturizing.

How many procedures does the course consist of, and how much will it cost?

The price and duration completely depend on what skin problems you have, in which cosmetology center and with which device the facial photorejuvenation is performed. Reviews and contraindications can be found on forums, as well as on beauty salon websites. It is advisable to choose those establishments where the price is indicated for 1 flash, because this way you can save money if the problems are minor. On average, a course can consist of 4-6 procedures. One flash will cost approximately 400-700 rubles, and complete rejuvenation of a certain area of ​​the face ranges from 2000 to 7500 rubles.

photo homologation-kSHH.webp

Reviews about the procedure

People's opinions differ on this issue, which is not surprising. For some, everything went smoothly and painlessly, while others “enjoyed” the side effects that photorejuvenation provided for some time. Pros and cons, contraindications and indications - everything needs to be weighed, thought through, and only then make a final decision about whether this procedure is necessary.

To figure out whether there is a real result and how effective the procedure is, you need to get to know facial photorejuvenation better.


Facial photorejuvenation is a relatively new procedure that appeared in beauty salons just a few years ago. Despite this, the rejuvenation method has already won not only fans, but also a lot of negative reviews, which is not surprising. Everyone's skin structure is different, so it cannot react to external stimuli in a pattern. This applies to all possible methods of rejuvenation. Through trial and error, everyone sooner or later finds the method that suits them.

To figure out whether there is a real result and how effective the procedure is, you need to get to know facial photorejuvenation better.

Facial photorejuvenation: The essence of the procedure and how it works

The method involves exposing the skin to directed flashes of light of a certain frequency, the beam of which is created by a special device. The specialist independently regulates the length of the light radiation and the degree of its effect.
The cost of devices for use in salons is high, and a certain type of device is designed strictly to get rid of specific problems:

  1. Quantum is effective against pigmentation, rosacea, acne, and excessive production of sebaceous fat by the subcutaneous glands.
  2. The American Palomar device system not only combats external skin imperfections, but also significantly accelerates collagen production, affecting the deeper layers of the dermis.
  3. The Italians and their DEKA equipment have achieved results in improving the structure and appearance of the integument. After using the device, the skin becomes soft and velvety, like silk.

Light areas of the dermis literally reflect light, while dark areas attract light. As a result, age spots, freckles and other consequences of excessive tanning on the face disappear due to this.


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The light beam heats the cells, stimulating the production of collagen and elastin molecules in the deep layers of the skin, which promotes restoration and regeneration of the skin from the inside and a deep rejuvenating effect.

The procedure is used to rejuvenate the face, décolleté, bikini area, buttocks, abdomen, hands and neck.


Photorejuvenation requires some preparation from the patient:

  1. Do not sunbathe in the sun or in a solarium 4 weeks before the procedure;
  2. Do not take antibiotics or retinoids (vitamin A) for 3–4 days;
  3. To reduce the risk of hematomas, you should not take ibuprofen or aspirin.
  1. The patient takes a lying position and gets comfortable.
  2. The cosmetologist puts on a mask or glasses for the client to protect the eyes from bright flashes of light and prevent burns to the cornea.
  3. A special conductor gel is applied to the surface of the skin and protects it from excessive overheating.
  4. Within 10–15 minutes, the specialist directs the tip of the device, which produces flashes, to the surface of the face.
  5. After the procedure is completed, cold is applied to the skin, then a cream is applied that has a protective and restorative effect.

It is recommended to use the procedure for rejuvenation after 35 years, and to get rid of hyperpigmentation - at almost any age.

Facial photorejuvenation: Pros and cons

The advantages of the procedure include:

  1. smoothing out small wrinkles;
  2. increasing skin elasticity and velvety;
  3. disappearance of pigmentation and freckles;
  4. improvement of appearance and complexion, tightening of contours,
  5. giving elasticity;
  6. stimulation of natural hydration;
  7. narrowing of pores.

Negative aspects of facial photorejuvenation:

  1. swelling;
  2. bruises;
  3. redness and inflammation;
  4. peeling of the skin;
  5. burning;
  6. general discomfort of the treated areas.

Side effects occur mainly in people with sensitive skin types and completely disappear on their own after 1–2 weeks. To reduce the likelihood of complications, it is better to undergo the procedure in the cold season, when the skin is less exposed to sunlight.

Facial photorejuvenation: Before and after photos


Advertising from numerous cosmetology clinics promises simply magical anti-aging results, complete elimination of wrinkles, significant skin tightening, a lifting effect, changes in the color and texture of the skin. But is this really so?

Firstly, it is necessary to clarify that it is simply impossible to achieve a noticeable result in one session. For the effect of the procedure to manifest itself, you need to complete the entire course, which includes 3-6 sessions at intervals per week.

Secondly, the release of collagen occurs very slowly, so the processes of dermal regeneration start only after a month after the first session, provided that the course is completed completely.

Thirdly, the photorejuvenation procedure is not able to get rid of deep folds on the face, significantly tighten sagging skin, or remove scars or scars, as is possible with laser resurfacing. The method is really effective, however, not for combating serious age-related skin changes. With its help, you can really get rid of freckles, not too dark age spots, post-acne, spider veins, slightly refresh the appearance of your face and improve your color.
Fourthly, the result directly depends on the device used during the procedure. A high-class device, a proven and well-proven brand from foreign manufacturers in the field of photo-rejuvenation, will allow you to achieve results faster and maintain them longer.

The effect can be assessed two weeks after the procedure, and to maintain it, it is necessary to repeat the course at least 1-2 times a year.



Exposure to light flashes is contraindicated in the following cases:

  1. naturally dark skin tone;
  2. dermatitis;
  3. activation of herpes infection;
  4. fresh tanning or using self-tanning;
  5. blood diseases;
  6. pregnancy and lactation;
  7. oncology;
  8. the presence of moles or nevi at the treatment sites.

Pain during the photorejuvenation process depends only on the individual sensitivity of the skin and the person’s pain threshold. It cannot be said that the patient is experiencing intense pain. A burning, tingling sensation may be felt, especially in the area of ​​the lips and nose. Overall the feeling is not very pleasant.

Although eye protection is worn, flashes of light may be felt through drooping eyelids and may be slightly blinding during the procedure.

Immediately after the first session, the skin acquires a bright pink tint, swelling and bruising may appear. Pigment spots become even darker, and crusts may form in areas of large accumulation of subcutaneous vessels.

Another advantage of photorejuvenation is that the integrity of the skin is not compromised, so the negative effects disappear quickly (after 1–2 weeks).

During the rehabilitation period, you must adhere to the following skin care rules:

  1. limit smoking, alcohol intake;
  2. take enough fluids and antioxidants;
  3. do not visit the sauna or bathhouse for two weeks;
  4. try not to be in direct sunlight, be sure to use sunscreen;
  5. treat the skin with an anti-inflammatory and healing cream (for example, Bepanten).

If the skin is not inflamed and the redness has subsided, then it is allowed to use decorative cosmetics in the first days after the photorejuvenation session.


Cost of the procedure in clinics

The price of the service directly depends on the class of the device used for photorejuvenation, the area of ​​the treated surface, as well as the prestige and popularity of a particular clinic.

On average, the cost of a facial procedure ranges from 2.5 to 7 thousand rubles.

Devices for conducting at home

More recently, women have the opportunity to use photorejuvenation on their own, without even leaving home, using special portable devices for home use:

  1. Silk’n Reju is a French-made fractional device that has a built-in cream cartridge and is designed for facial rejuvenation;
  2. Quantum is a whole system for salon and home use, which allows you to rejuvenate the skin on any part of the body and even perform hair removal;
  3. Yakhroma-med is a domestic device that is cheap, but its efficiency is not up to par.

It is imperative to follow safety precautions, purchase the necessary conductive gels, safety glasses, cream after using household appliances, and take all required stages of the procedure responsibly.


Facial photorejuvenation: Reviews

I really wanted to try this method, my friend praised it so much. But, unfortunately, I have several moles on my face, which is considered a contraindication for photorejuvenation.

In this way I got rid of the vascular network on the face and asterisks. After the procedure, the skin turned red and there was an unpleasant burning sensation, but soon everything went away. I am satisfied with the result; the vessels became less noticeable after the first session. I'll try again in a month. But I don’t recommend it for getting rid of wrinkles; my wrinkles haven’t gone away.

I'm not a fan of photorejuvenation. There is zero effect, the procedure is expensive, my face has been inflamed for more than a week. I definitely don't recommend it!

I had photorejuvenation done in a clinic that I had personally tested using the Quantum device and was amazed by the effect. The freckles are completely gone, and the pigment spots have become much lighter. The procedure is not that painful, it just stings a little. I had no swelling or bruising at all, so I am very glad that I used this service.

I had terrible swelling, bruises all over my face, everything took a very long time to heal, but the wrinkles did not disappear. I do not recommend this procedure for rejuvenation.

Appearance largely depends on the condition of the skin. If it is flabby, porous, has an uneven tone or other imperfections, then when you look at a person, you immediately create a feeling of unkemptness. In addition, imperfect skin ages even a young woman (or man). There are many methods of hardware cosmetology that allow you to cope with the imperfections of the epidermis. One of them is photorejuvenation, which has many advantages. It is relatively safe and virtually painless, at least compared to other cosmetic procedures. This method has a number of indications that are not limited to signs of aging.

Features of the photorejuvenation procedure

The photorejuvenation procedure involves treating the skin with sharp bright flashes. The released light energy is absorbed by the components of the epidermis, as a result of which tissue regeneration processes are activated. First of all, the procedure initiates protection against photoaging. This means that collagen production is enhanced, blood vessels and subcutaneous capillaries are strengthened, and complexion is evened out. The method has a stimulating effect on cells, including red blood cells, accelerating metabolism and blood flow.


Photorejuvenation acts very gently, gradually improving the appearance of the skin, but there is no need to expect radical transformations from it. If the condition of the epidermis cannot be called satisfactory, and the existing deficiencies are very pronounced, then the method is not always able to help.

Strictly speaking, the method of influencing the skin with light energy should be called phototherapy, since it is used not only to prevent and combat age-related changes, but also to treat some skin imperfections. But most often, even cosmetologists call this procedure photorejuvenation, regardless of the purpose for which it is performed.

The method has the following indications:

  1. initial signs of aging: facial wrinkles, loss of elasticity;
  2. increased skin oiliness;
  3. enlarged pores;
  4. rosacea;
  5. uneven skin color, pigmentation;
  6. light forms of post-acne.


Photorejuvenation and laser methods operate using light energy. This is their only similarity. Otherwise, the procedures differ significantly. For photorejuvenation, polychrome pulsed light is used, which has a stimulating effect. The laser is a cluster of monochrome (of the same length) rays that form microburns on the skin, after which its upper layer peels off (according to the principle of peeling).

Photorejuvenation is a more gentle procedure, so the result is less pronounced. But at the same time, it has undeniable advantages:

  1. Compared to laser treatment, photorejuvenation causes less skin trauma;
  2. the recovery period is minimal;
  3. There is virtually no risk of serious complications.

Before choosing a particular procedure, you must consult with a cosmetologist and listen to his recommendations. What is suitable for one client is strictly contraindicated for another. For example, if the skin does not have serious defects and is also very sensitive, then photorejuvenation will be sufficient, but if there are scars, severe forms of post-acne and other pronounced imperfections, only a laser will help.

Photorejuvenation sessions are carried out in a cosmetologist’s office using a special device. The procedure consists of several stages:

  1. Preparation. Begins 3-4 weeks before exposure to the skin. During this period, it is necessary to avoid solariums and exposure to the open sun. There should be no tan at the time of visiting a cosmetologist.
  2. Direct procedure:
  3. removing makeup residues and dirt using special disinfectants;
  4. protecting the eyes of both the client and the cosmetologist with dark glasses;



The duration of a photorejuvenation session depends on the area of ​​skin that needs to be treated with flashes, and usually ranges from 15 to 60 minutes.

Types of photorejuvenation

There are several types of procedure:

  1. IPL photorejuvenation;
  2. collagen;
  3. elos-rejuvenation;
  4. LED rejuvenation;
  5. rejuvenation using the M22 device.


Name of procedure The essence of the technique Advantages Flaws Required number of sessions Cost of one session (based on the example of a face)
IPL photorejuvenation High-frequency pulsed radiation is used, mainly to lighten the skin and remove pigmentation. The technology fights well against pigment spots and developing aging processes in the lower layers of the epidermis. Causes persistent (up to several days) redness of tissues, not suitable for people with dark or reddish skin tones. Usually 5 sessions are required with a break of 1 month. From 6000 rub.
Collagen rejuvenation The procedure is carried out using so-called collagen lamps, which emit beams of light of a certain length. The length of the light beams is specially selected to ensure stimulation of the synthesis of collagen fibers. The procedure is narrowly targeted and is mainly used only to prevent aging and combat the first age-related changes (loss of elasticity, etc.). 6-8 procedures with an interval of 1-2 weeks. From 4000 rub.
LED rejuvenation LED radiation is used. Restores damaged skin cells, regardless of the nature of the problem, thermal tissue damage is minimal. A large number of sessions are required. You need to undergo 8–12 procedures with a break of no more than 7 days. From 3000 rub.
Elos rejuvenation During the procedure, the skin is simultaneously exposed to electrical and light radiation, which increases tissue conductivity. It affects the deep layers of the skin, thereby starting the process of self-rejuvenation. The effect of the procedure can be seen only after some time (about a month). 4-6 sessions are required at intervals of 30-45 days. From 8000 rub.
Photorejuvenation using the M22 device The device used to carry out the procedure is the result of improvements in IPL technology. Suitable for solving any problem included in the list of indications for photorejuvenation. Thanks to a special cooling system, it eliminates the possibility of overheating and redness of the skin. High price. You need to do at least 5 procedures (the exact number depends on the specifics of the existing problem). From 11,000 rub.


Despite the fact that the photorejuvenation procedure is considered absolutely safe, it still has a number of contraindications:

  1. oncology;
  2. pregnancy and lactation;
  3. diabetes;
  4. cardiovascular diseases, including the presence of a pacemaker;
  5. blood clotting disorder;
  6. mental disorders;
  7. diseases of the nervous system;
  8. skin damage in the affected area, as well as many moles and other formations;
  9. fresh tan or simply too dark skin tone (phototypes 4 and 5);
  10. chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  11. elevated temperature.


Possible consequences

If we compare photorejuvenation with other hardware methods, for example, with the same laser resurfacing, then it is less traumatic for the skin and has a short recovery period. But even such a seemingly harmless procedure can lead to some unpleasant consequences. As a rule, all of them are caused by photodermatosis - an inflammatory reaction of the skin caused by increased photosensitivity, which depends not only on the individual characteristics of the skin and its light type, but also on other factors, for example, the female cycle. On different days, skin sensitivity and reaction to external irritants may change.

Among the complications of photorejuvenation are the following:

  1. edema;
  2. redness;
  3. blisters or rash;
  4. in rare cases, minor bruising.

All of these symptoms are essentially a manifestation of a tissue microburn and disappear 2-3 days after the procedure. Photorejuvenation does not cause serious consequences (scarring, etc.). And in order for complications to pass as quickly as possible, it is necessary to properly care for the skin during the recovery period.


Here I am at a new cosmetologist. I told her that I had previously had Botox injections, Contour plastic surgery, and Biorevitalization. Laser peels and resurfacing, facial myostimulation, etc. She also told me that I had atopic dermatitis and it was better not to take risks and not touch the outer layer of skin, so as not to provoke a relapse. The doctor listened very carefully, looked at me and made a verdict: “We will do everything progressively. Since it’s autumn/winter, we renew the skin, then we’ll nourish it.” And she scheduled a photorejuvenation session for me using the M22 device. Nothing special. A flash (very bright - it can be seen even through tightly closed eyes, and the cosmetologist did not put glasses on me to get closer to the wrinkles under the eyes) and a small, instant burn inside. The burn is so short-lived and mild that you perceive it more like a small injection. The procedure itself lasted no more than 10 minutes. Cost: about 10 thousand. Undoubtedly, improvements in the condition of the skin and turgor are visible, the oval has tightened a little, and the skin color has evened out. But I didn’t see such a WOW effect. Yes, apparently, this procedure is not aimed at dramatic changes/improvements, but rather at maintaining the general appearance. So, in my opinion, this procedure still falls short of 5 points. More likely, a solid B plus.


Three years ago, I unfortunately encountered a problem called PIGMENTATION. It all started with a small spot on the forehead, which gradually increased in size. In the third year, pigmentation reached the area under the eyes. Attempts to combat this disease with whitening creams were unsuccessful. After consulting with a cosmetologist, I decided to try a photorejuvenation course. The procedure was done using the Lumenis Quantum IPL device. After the first procedure, my spots darkened by three shades. They became dark and dark. Of course, I was still that “beauty”. It’s good that I did the first session at the end of September in the evening, when no one could see me on the street)). Otherwise, it’s not very pleasant to go out into the street to see people like this... The swelling/redness from the procedure went away after three hours. And after three days, the darkened crusts on the face began to gradually peel off and fall off. And when under these crusts I saw completely light, healthy skin, my happiness knew no bounds. I was glad that I had finally found a way to get rid of my hated stains. But my happiness was short-lived. After a week and a half, pigment spots began to appear again on light skin in the same places (((. And by the next session of photorejuvenation, the pigmentation returned. True, it became much lighter than it was. But still noticeable. After the second, third and fourth sessions, the spots were already They didn’t darken as much as the first time. And they didn’t become crusty. And there was no more result. I felt very sorry... After all, victory, as it seemed to me, was already so close...



I want to talk about a procedure called photorejuvenation, which over the past few years has gained popularity among mature ladies, as well as young girls with the problem of residual elements after acne. I belong to the second option and, on the advice of my cosmetologist, I decided to do a course of 5 photorejuvenation procedures. I will say right away that this procedure does not eliminate scars. What about post-acne? Where is the result? I would like to know the answer to this question myself. I didn’t notice any obvious changes, not only after the first, but even after the last photorejuvenation procedure. I will say that I have a rather mixed opinion about the photorejuvenation procedure. If a method didn't work for me, that doesn't mean it won't work for you.


Sofia Sienkiewicz

I’ll tell you about my experience with photorejuvenation. When I turned 35 years old (in January 2017), I looked at myself in the mirror and thought that that’s all, and I turned into a woman. Youth is gone, the skin tone is no longer the same, the upper eyelid begins to treacherously turn into a ridge above the eye and the corners go down from it. There are bruises under the eyes, and if you look closely, you can see the bags. The clinic offered me 2 laser photorejuvenation procedures with an interval of 2 weeks. 2 months have passed since the procedures, I can tell you about the final result:

pigment spots are gone (the darkest ones have fallen off, they were on my forehead and cheeks);

complexion has become more even and fresh;

redness has decreased significantly;

the most important thing is that the texture and tone of the skin have improved. The skin has become denser, like 5 years ago.

The wrinkles did not smooth out (they didn’t promise me that). The wings of the nose remained with capillaries. I would happily do this procedure every winter if it weren't so painful. I like the result, but I will do it again only in a couple of years. Next winter I want to do photorejuvenation in the décolleté area to remove pigment spots there. According to my cosmetologist, this procedure is practically painless in the décolleté area.

Yulia van Riet

Photorejuvenation is a hardware method that allows you to achieve a pronounced cosmetic effect. However, if you carefully study the reviews about the results of the procedure, you will notice the disappointment that arises in some women. They note that there is a result, but not as strong as we would like. Therefore, in order to avoid surprises, before the procedure you need to ask the cosmetologist about it in detail. Often it is the misconception about the principle of photorejuvenation that leads to the fact that the result is far from expected. You need to understand that this method, like all other gentle ones, is not capable of greatly improving your appearance by removing deep wrinkles, scars and other pronounced imperfections and age-related changes. If you need to cope with such serious things, then you should choose more radical procedures that require long-term recovery (at least laser resurfacing). Photorejuvenation, despite all the positive aspects, has a mild effect and works better as a preventive method at the first signs of aging.