Fracture Multiple

**_Fracture_** is a violation of the integrity of a bone as a result of injury. It can happen for various reasons, such as a fall, a blow, or a bad move. Fractures can be either single or multiple. In this article we will look at multiple fractures and their treatment.

Numerous and varied fractures are undoubtedly the most serious problems in medicine. In most cases, there is no single correct treatment for such injuries. The large number of different fractures is combined with a variety of disorders that develop during consolidation. Although all of them ultimately worsen the prognosis for recovery, each of them differs in different mechanisms of pathogenesis and treatment. In all cases, the lack of morphological criteria to determine the end of consolidation (maturation) is one of the main problems of such treatment. Unfortunately, it is not always clear what kind of fracture, what period and degree of prescription is in the mode of final maturation. Often, from the very beginning, closed complex management of the patient occurs, in which all intensive care measures are immediately implemented, later not only special treatment is carried out, but also symptomatic therapy, repeated and continuous dosed reposition is developed. Operated patients, evaluate