Fragility (Fragilitas)

Fragility (lat. fragilitas) is a pathological condition characterized by abnormal fragility and fragility of tissues.

Fragility most often occurs in hair (fragilitas crinium) and bones (fragilitas ossium).

Fragilitas crinium - increased fragility of hair, in which it becomes thin and breaks off from the slightest mechanical stress. It occurs in a number of diseases and conditions: vitamin deficiencies, endocrine disorders, intoxications, etc.

Fragilitas ossium - increased fragility of bones, leading to frequent fractures from minor trauma. A characteristic sign of osteogenesis imperfecta, osteoporosis and some other skeletal diseases.

Thus, fragility is an important diagnostic sign of pathological processes in the body and requires steroid treatment.

Fragility is a condition in which bones become more brittle and susceptible to damage. This can be caused by various factors such as lack of calcium in the body, lack of vitamin D, protein deficiency, and certain diseases such as osteoporosis or bone cancer.

Symptoms of frailty may include bone pain, frequent fractures, decreased height, and problems with mobility. Treatment for frailty may include lifestyle changes, such as increasing your calcium and vitamin D intake, and taking medications to strengthen your bones. Surgery may also be required to repair the bones.

Fragility (Fragilitas): The Destructive Intrigue of Fragility of Hair and Bones

Frailty, or fragilitas, is an abnormal condition characterized by increased fragility of various body tissues. The most common forms of fragility are fragilitas crinium (hair fragility) and fragilitas ossium (bone fragility). These conditions can pose serious problems to patients' health and quality of life and require specialized medical intervention.

Fragilitas crinium, or hair fragility, is characterized by a particular condition of hair that becomes brittle, weak and prone to split ends. This can lead to significant hair loss and deterioration in overall hair condition. Hair fragility can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetic disorders, poor diet, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, chemical exposure, and damage from heat styling tools. Often, the treatment of fragilitas crinium requires an integrated approach, including nutritional correction, the use of special care products and minimizing exposure to harmful factors.

Fragilitas ossium, or brittle bones, is associated with disruption of bone density and structure, making bones more susceptible to fracture. One of the most well-known disorders associated with brittle bones is osteogenesis imperfecta, or glass bone disease. In patients with this disease, even minor trauma or physical stress can cause bone fractures. Brittle bones can also be caused by other factors, such as calcium and vitamin D deficiency, hormonal imbalances, and certain genetic conditions. Treatment for fragilitas ossium usually includes medications that help strengthen bone tissue, as well as rehabilitation measures to increase bone strength and flexibility.

Fragility, whether in hair or bones, has a significant impact on patients' physical and emotional well-being. These conditions can significantly limit their ability to lead a normal life and result in an increased risk of injury. It is therefore important to seek medical attention if frailty is suspected and receive appropriate treatment and support.

In conclusion, fragility, whether fragilitas crinium or fragilitas ossium, is an interesting problem that requires attention and treatment. Patients suffering from brittle hair or bones should see qualified professionals for diagnosis, treatment and care advice. With the help of modern diagnostic methods and an individual approach to each patient, it is possible to reduce negative consequences and improve their quality of life.


Fragility is the abnormal breakage or fragility of hair, skin, bones, breasts, etc. The shape of the chest may be fragile, or it may also be the temperament, which leads to a mental state - neurosis. It happens that health is fragile from birth, but it is easier to correct the first symptoms than to fight for a complete cure. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor promptly at the first manifestations of the disease. Unfortunately, even the strongest nature is subject to physical and mental suffering. You can't be idle