What is fractional facial skin rejuvenation?

If age-related changes have already been reflected in the skin, but you do not want to resort to surgical services, we advise you to contact non-surgical rejuvenation clinics. We propose to consider one of these technologies - fractional laser rejuvenation of the skin of the face and body, as well as reviews of the procedure, prices of sessions in the cities of Russia and Ukraine.

Operating principle

What is it - fractional laser rejuvenation is the grinding of tissues using high temperatures provided by a laser beam. The principle of its action is approximately the same as that of laser resurfacing, but photorejuvenation is much stronger and has more serious possible consequences.

The device is a fairly small device that looks like a battery. On its working surface there are special photo elements, which are responsible for the penetration of the laser under the dermis. It should be noted that the temperature of this effect is slightly higher than that of a simple laser device for hair removal or acne treatment. It is driven very quickly, otherwise a minute of delay and the dermis will simply be burned to the deepest layer.


The advertisement for this procedure is very beautiful and seems fantastic. In one session, wrinkles and scars disappear, acne and rosacea are treated, you can even change the oily type to normal. But during the sessions you need to take into account reality:

  1. Wrinkles disappear, but not all. The epidermis is not responsible for the formation of deep wrinkles, only facial wrinkles
  2. Scars will not disappear in one session at least three will be needed, each with a difference of six months
  3. The dermis heals for at least two weeks, the first of which is the complete absence of a protective layer on it, you will need to constantly apply various ointments and creams to the treated areas, you cannot go out in the sun
  4. It really hurts, and it makes no difference what your sensitivity threshold is or whether the area was treated with painkillers or not
  5. You cannot do photorejuvenation for acne.

Video: how fractional laser rejuvenation occurs

Consequences of fractional laser rejuvenation

Straightaway After the session, the face is very sore, despite the use of pain-relieving ointments and solutions. After 2-3 hours it turns red and may begin to swell, especially in the area of ​​the upper eyelids, nose and area around the eyes. The peak of edema occurs the next day there are cases when the entire treated area simply turned into a water ball, thus the body tries to recover faster after rejuvenation. To smooth things out a little, eat less salty foods and take diuretics.

On the second day ichor can be secreted in copious quantities, subsequently a crust forms on the face, which by the end of the day hardens and becomes a very tough layer, it protects the face from infections and colds. It cannot be torn off or touched at all, otherwise you can cause some kind of sore and simply tear the future new layer of the epidermis and be left with scars forever. Over time, the crust itself will soften and fall off under the influence of regenerating compounds.

Recovery is just beginning a week later. The crust gradually becomes less hard, and the face stops swelling. You will have to enjoy the bright pink color of your face for another month, and use medicinal creams with a protection level of at least 30. Despite the fact that everywhere they say about just one procedure, doctors will most likely say that it should be repeated in six months, and sometimes even in 3 months.


Photo - Easy skin rejuvenation

This non-surgical rejuvenation works great for crow's feet and small post-acne scars or rosacea, but DOT will not provide relief from deep wrinkles and scars.

Possible complications and how to avoid them:

Complication Treatment methods
Everything hurts a lot Buy and apply Bepanten (ample amount) to problem areas
Severe swelling Do not drink a lot of liquid some experts advise using hyaluronic masks
The recovery process took longer than two weeks Take vitamins, don’t go out for walks in the sun, and always anoint yourself with a special restorative ointment.
A network of blood vessels and/or small but deep scars remain Unfortunately, this cannot be cured. The ray left scars, this happens occasionally, over time they will become less noticeable, in addition, after recovery, the face can be easily disguised with foundation or powder.

In addition, side effects after fractional rejuvenation cannot be ruled out - rashes, itching and other manifestations of intolerance. Girls who are allergic to the sun or diagnosed with vegetative-vascular dystonia are especially susceptible to this.

Special post-procedure care:

  1. Wash only with boiled water
  2. Don't go out in the sun for a week
  3. To prolong youth and quickly recover, it is also recommended to use ozone therapy (wash with ozonated water)
  4. Until the epidermis acquires its usual color, peelings and scrubs should not be done - this will damage the young and fragile epidermis
  5. Rehabilitation takes from two weeks to a month if you take vitamins and regularly ventilate the room or spend time in the fresh air in warm weather, everything will go faster.

Appliances used

The consequences depend not only on the skill of the doctor, but also on what hardware the salon or clinic provided. The most effective are: smartxidedot, Palomar star and lux, matrix, dermablate lifting, Asclepion Dermablate Effect and RAY CO2 and Dermablate MCL, mosaic. In most cases, this is European-made equipment. Sales are carried out in special stores or on the official websites of manufacturers. Rent is possible for single use.


Photo – Forehead rejuvenation

Only professional equipment is used, it is quite expensive - from 50,000 rubles. There are different types: can be performed either ablative or non-ablative (the working surface is pressed against the skin or kept at a distance). Palomar is considered a universal device it can be found in spa salons in Moscow and other large cities.

Reviews from doctors and people

“I had quite large wrinkles on the nasolabial fold, I didn’t expect any special results, I decided to just check it out. All the problems really smoothed out, but after 10 months the effect was unnoticeable, in addition, microscars remained. Small, but still noticeable. Now I’m thinking whether to go for a repeat or not. I’d rather sign up for biorevitalization.” Elena, 35 years old.

“I am a cosmetologist with more than 7 years of experience, and as soon as laser surgery appeared, I decided that it was a panacea. A lot depends on the type of device, and, of course, the skill of the specialist. If you choose the correct depth of the beam, then there will be no scars or anything like that.” Victoria Nikolaevna, 43 years old.


Photo – Rejuvenation of sagging skin

Laser fractional rejuvenation is often recommended by the women's forum and is recommended by experts. But looking at the before and after photos (especially a year later), as well as the possible consequences, it’s worth thinking about whether this procedure is as good as they say about it? Be sure to write in the comments about your experience of using a laser for the face - we will be glad.


Facial skin inevitably undergoes a natural aging process, which modern cosmetics and cosmetic procedures help to counteract. One of these procedures is laser facial rejuvenation - thanks to the technique, the mechanisms of rejuvenation and cell restoration are launched, the facial skin takes on a young, fresh and well-groomed appearance.

The essence and effect of the technique


Laser facial skin rejuvenation is a technique in which laser radiation affects the skin. For this purpose, a laser source is used - a laser installation - a device on which it is possible to adjust the depth of penetration of the laser beam into the skin, exposure time and radiation temperature. The correct choice of procedure parameters is the most important condition for successful rejuvenation, since the slightest mistake by the cosmetologist can cause burns on the face.

Penetrating into tissue, the laser beam causes slight damage to cells in response to the resulting irritation, the cells begin to actively produce collagen and elastin, and the growth of new cells resumes. Stimulation of regeneration processes leads to complete renewal of facial skin and its rejuvenation. The second name of the procedure is laser peeling.

Indications and contraindications

The technique is used to eliminate the following age-related changes in facial skin:

  1. Wrinkles.
  2. Dark spots.
  3. Flabbiness and sagging.

Also indications for the procedure are:

  1. Scars, unevenness on the face.
  2. Acne marks.
  3. Unwanted tattoos.
  4. Horny skin.
  5. Enlarged pores.
  6. Vascular network on the face.
  7. Stretch marks after pregnancy on the stomach and legs.

Contraindications to laser peeling are:

  1. Keloid scars.
  2. Malignant neoplasms.
  3. Pregnancy, lactation period.
  4. Herpetic infection during the period of exacerbation.
  5. Wounds and abrasions on the face.
  6. Any skin diseases.
  7. Fresh tan.
  8. Moles.
  9. Taking medications to treat acne.

In most cases, laser rejuvenation occurs without complications the first few days after the procedure, the patient notes slight swelling, redness and peeling of the epidermis. These phenomena are normal for laser peeling and disappear on their own after a few days.

Possible side effects


But in some cases the following side effects may develop:

  1. Persistent redness of the face.
  2. Exacerbation of acne.
  3. Increased skin oiliness.
  4. The appearance of hyper- or hypopigmentation.
  5. Herpetic rashes (if the patient has previously been diagnosed with herpes).
  6. Burns.
  7. Maintaining the boundary between treated and untreated areas of the skin.
  8. Subcutaneous hemorrhages.

The listed side effects disappear over a long period of time and require additional treatment from a cosmetologist.

Advantages and disadvantages of peeling

Fractional peeling has become widespread thanks to such benefits:

  1. High efficiency, ability to eliminate significant aesthetic imperfections.
  2. Can be performed on any skin type.
  3. Minimal risk of side effects (burns and hyperpigmentation).
  4. Painless.
  5. Short recovery time for the skin.
  6. Ability to treat large areas of skin at one time.

The disadvantage of fractional peeling is its high cost compared to other methods, but given the effectiveness of the procedure, this disadvantage can be considered insignificant.

Types of laser rejuvenation

There are several types of laser rejuvenation depending on the depth of laser penetration:

  1. Laser resurfacing. The laser “works” in the surface layer of the epidermis, exfoliating dead cells. The result of the procedure becomes noticeable after a week: the skin becomes velvety to the touch, fine wrinkles disappear. During the procedure, three types of laser beams are used: erbium, carbon or neodymium.

  2. frakcionnogo-omolozheniya-Cda.webp

    Laser biorevitalization. The radiation penetrates into the deep layers of the skin, and some cells are destroyed. The technique is more harsh compared to laser resurfacing, but it gives a strong rejuvenating effect. To enhance the effect of the laser, the cosmetologist applies a mixture containing nutrients to the skin. After the procedure, deep wrinkles disappear and facial contour improves. Recovery after biorevitalization occurs within three months swelling and severe peeling of the epidermis may persist on the face during this period.
  3. Fractional peeling. Fractional laser rejuvenation is the most effective and at the same time gentle technique. The peculiarity of the procedure is that the laser beam is broken into many microbeams, resulting in a softer effect on the skin. The radiation hits the skin in the form of a mesh, so between the foci of cellular damage there remain untouched areas - this promotes faster tissue regeneration and a more powerful rejuvenating effect. The strength of the beam during fractional peeling can be changed using a carbon dioxide or erbium laser.

Stages of the procedure

Before performing the procedure, you need to come to an appointment with a cosmetologist. The doctor identifies existing problems, finds out from the patient whether there are contraindications to the procedure, and talks about how laser rejuvenation will proceed.

If the patient's skin is prone to increased pigmentation, a whitening cream is prescribed a few days before the rejuvenation session. The patient should know that before the procedure you should not engage in sports, heavy physical labor, or drink alcoholic beverages.

Sequence of fractional peeling:

  1. The face is cleaned using conventional cosmetics.
  2. A cream with an anesthetic effect is applied to the skin.
  3. After a few minutes, the anesthetic is washed off, and a gel is applied to facilitate the sliding of the nozzle of the fractional apparatus. Glasses are placed over the patient's eyes.
  4. The doctor moves the attachment across the face, sequentially applying the laser to each area.
  5. The treatment lasts 15-60 minutes, after which a soothing cream is applied to the skin.

A total of 3-4 procedures are required, with a break between them of 1-2 months.

Home skin care


After laser treatment, swelling, redness, peeling and itching appear on the skin, and later crusts form. Patients should follow these recommendations:

  1. To relieve swelling, apply a cold compress to your face.
  2. Apply anti-inflammatory and soothing creams to the skin (prescribed by a cosmetologist).
  3. Before going outside, use sunscreen on your face.
  4. Do not go to the bathhouse, sauna, or take hot baths for two weeks after the procedure.
  5. Do not use scrubs Use cosmetics only after permission from a cosmetologist.
  6. Do not remove the resulting crusts to prevent the appearance of scars on the face.

If laser rejuvenation is carried out by a highly qualified specialist, and the patient follows all the doctor’s recommendations, the result of the procedure will please with an excellent cosmetic effect.


A woman of any age wants to see beautiful facial skin in the mirror, but not everyone is ready to go under the knife of a plastic surgeon.

In this case, fractional rejuvenation through the use of laser will come to the rescue, which in modern cosmetology occupies one of the first places in anti-aging procedures.

Types and methods of influence

There are two methods of photothermolysis, each suitable for different applications. A cosmetologist will help you make the right choice in favor of the optimal option at your initial appointment.


A network of microdamages with the help of a laser affects exclusively the upper layers of the epidermis, forcing it to regenerate in a short time.

The result appears after the first procedure, as soon as the wounds heal.

This method is a slightly more serious intervention. The laser beam penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis, ignoring the cells outside.

The lesions also promote the production of elastin and collagen, as with ablative photothermolysis.

The healing process lasts longer and the effect is more pronounced. Suitable for removing serious problems on the face.



Any person who wants to look younger without major lifts can resort to this method.

Fractional laser treatment combats many imperfections on the face, including:

  1. severe wrinkles on the forehead
  2. nasolabial folds
  3. a thread of crow's feet around the eyes
  4. epidermis “flowing” down
  5. skin pigmentation, scars, scars, spider veins
  6. problem of enlarged pores, acne.

Read here for details about yellow peeling - what it is and for what purposes it is performed.


Like any other external influence on the body, fractional laser rejuvenation has its contraindications, in the presence of which it is prohibited to resort to such a procedure.

This may include:

  1. the presence of serious inflammation on the face
  2. infectious, fungal skin lesions
  3. diseases of the epidermis - psoriasis, eczema
  4. excessive dry skin
  5. malignant neoplasms in the body
  6. history of epilepsy
  7. heart diseases
  8. varicose veins on the face
  9. herpes in the acute stage
  10. pregnancy, breastfeeding
  11. immunodeficiency states
  12. bronchial asthma, serious allergic reactions
  13. neurological diseases.

Sometimes you should first undergo treatment for skin problems or wait for remission of chronic diseases, after which rejuvenation is still carried out.


Since the intervention is not a surgical operation, no extensive preparation is required. Initially, you should consult a cosmetologist who will assess the condition of the skin and also give recommendations on the necessary photorejuvenation method.

The patient is obliged to tell the doctor about all conditions and diseases in the medical history, as well as exacerbations of chronic diseases over the past six months.

If there are any, the specialist will advise you to visit specialized doctors to assess the safety of the procedure.

You should also take a blood and urine test to identify or exclude inflammatory processes in the body. The date for the first visit is then set.

Carrying out

Fractional laser skin rejuvenation in the facial area is carried out on an outpatient basis, that is, the patient comes, is treated, and then goes home.

First, the cosmetologist will apply an anesthetic cream or ointment based on lidocaine to the epidermis.

In fact, the procedure is not overly painful, so sometimes therapy is carried out without this stage.

Then the patient lies on the couch, and the specialist adjusts the depth of penetration of the laser beam using a special device. The device is aimed at certain areas of the epidermis, deep into which the laser penetrates.

Manipulations last from half an hour or more, depending on how much area needs to be treated with the device. During the procedure, the patient may feel a slight tingling sensation, as well as an unpleasant odor.

Immediately after the session, a network of red dots is visible on the face, the skin is red and slightly swollen, so it is better to take care of the method of returning home in advance.

In the video, watch how the procedure is carried out and find out the opinion of a specialist about the rejuvenation method.

Appliances used

The subsequent effect depends a lot on the equipment used for fractional rejuvenation.

If a clinic is using an unknown device, the patient should think carefully. Otherwise, the consequences may remain on the skin for life.

Laser options:

  1. Matrix – offers rejuvenation without visual marks on the face, eliminates wrinkles and corrects oval shape
  2. SmartxideDot – equipment patented in Russia, the device generates a unique pulse shape
  3. Palomar Star – multifunctional device, suitable for hair removal, pigmentation, skin treatment and rejuvenation
  4. Asclepion Dermablate Effect – suitable for affecting the most delicate areas of the skin
  5. Dermablate Lifting – foreign equipment that combines radiofrequency lifting, as well as an ablative method of influence.

In this publication you will learn about myostimulation - what it is and when its use is justified.

Possible complications

Fractional rejuvenation does not exclude complications. In some cases they are normal and go away within a few days.

Others develop due to the inexperience of the cosmetologist or lack of proper facial care during the rehabilitation period.

What is not the norm:

  1. severe pain or swelling at the site of laser beam exposure
  2. damage does not heal in two weeks
  3. pigmentation and scars appeared.

Such consequences disappear on their own within 1-2 weeks, leaving behind no visual imperfections.



The outcome of the procedure is greatly influenced by the behavior of the patient himself. He must carefully monitor the skin, protect it from aggressive environmental influences, and not apply decorative cosmetics during healing.

  1. For the first three days, the wound should be lubricated with d-panthenol-based ointment, it will promote the speedy healing of microdamages. Subsequently, it is recommended to use a light moisturizer with hyaluronic acid, which was recommended by the cosmetologist.
  2. Washing is not prohibited. For 2 weeks, the epidermis should not be exposed to strong heat, so it is better to refrain from baths and saunas, and do not take hot baths.
  3. You shouldn't go outside without sunscreen, and it is better to choose protection from 50. If this is not done, hyperpigmentation will appear. The cosmetic product should be applied until complete healing, even if it is winter outside.



The result can be noticed immediately after healing, if the imperfections were not very pronounced. Deep wrinkles or scars must be removed through several procedures.

Visually, the skin is smoother, has a natural color, the face is tightened and visibly blooms in 99% of cases.

One percent is allocated to unforeseen circumstances, inadequate care, and the lack of qualifications of the doctor.

Advantages of the method

Many patients are captivated by this method due to its significant advantages that are worth noting. By choosing photothermolysis, a person receives the following:

  1. low cost with high efficiency
  2. painlessness
  3. the effect of even one procedure
  4. non-invasive
  5. no strong side effects.

Besides, laser exposure solves several problems at once aesthetic component of the epidermis, which cannot but rejoice.


If you choose the wrong clinic for rejuvenation or do not strictly follow the cosmetologist’s recommendations, you can develop huge pigment spots on half of your face, which will not be easy to remove.

Another disadvantage is the incomplete result from one procedure for deep depressions, scars and wrinkles.

The price varies significantly depending on the region of Russia, the professionalism of the staff and the popularity of the clinic where the procedure will be performed.

On average, one-time treatment of the entire facial area will cost the client 8-10 thousand rubles, if there is a need for several visits, the cost is reduced by 10-20% per session.

It is recommended to carefully select a cosmetology establishment, since savings can lead to serious consequences.

In the video, the cosmetologist answers frequently asked questions about laser rejuvenation techniques.

Review of opinions

Fractional rejuvenation is gaining increasing popularity in cosmetology. Every year more and more women choose laser instead of a surgical scalpel.

Have you had a similar experience? Share your opinion about this procedure in the comments.