
Frontal (lat. frontalis) - related to the forehead.

The frontal bone (os frontale) is an unpaired bone of the skull located in its anterior section. Forms the frontal part of the skull. It consists of two bone plates (frontal scales), connected to each other by a frontal suture.

The frontal lobe is the lobe of the cerebrum located in the frontal part of the skull. Responsible for higher mental functions - thinking, decision making, planning and control of behavior.

The frontal bone and frontal lobes of the brain play a critical role in the functioning of the brain and mental activity of a person. The adjective “frontal” emphasizes their location in the frontal part of the head and their connection with this important part of the skull.

Frontal There is something mysterious in this name, but even in an era when satellites fly around the world and people do somersaults above the ground without wings or trampolines, some things in our everyday language remain unchanged. Thus, the word “frontal” can also indicate headwear such as a hat, hat and cap. Another meaning is the head or head organ of a mammal's head. In general, Frontal is considered a very suitable prefix for verbs, nouns and even adjectives related to the human head.

This word has several definitions: on the one hand, the forehead is the bone of the skull, and the forehead is the front part of the head of a person or animal; on the other hand, it is interpreted as something frontal, for example, frontal wind. Not so long ago in some books one could see its meaning as the one located on the front