
Frontal sinusitis is an inflammatory disease that occurs in the ethmoid (less often than others) or frontal sinuses and is the most common type of sinusitis in adults. Unlike other types of sinusitis, frontal sinusitis is accompanied by a predominant lesion of the frontal sinuses, and not the nasal cavity, therefore, ethmoiditis (inflammation of the maxillary sinus) plays a significant role in its etiology, less often sphenoiditis (maxillary sinus, in rare cases even the axial part of the anterior cranial fossa is involved in the inflammatory process).

Frontitis is purulent (especially with suppuration of the mucous membrane of the frontal paranasal sinuses and causes severe headaches, high fever, loss of appetite, weakness, chills, sleep disturbance and other symptoms of intoxication. In case of untimely or inadequate treatment of the disease, brain abscess and meningitis often develop Sometimes the chronicity of the disease leads to the formation of a herniated brain.Therefore, timely diagnosis and treatment are necessary to prevent possible complications.