Fudanaj - mint, pulegievaya mint

There are mountain and river mint. Its size resembles hyssop; its leaves also look like hyssop leaves. There is also a species of mint called galikhun, and also a species called goat's mint, the potency of which is similar to that of the other species; it is pungent and the strength of the wine made from it is similar to the strength of the wine made from thyme. Pulegium mint consists of a rarefied substance; Mountain mint is stronger than river mint.

Actions and properties
Mint, especially wild mint, is very strong due to its pungency and bitterness. Therefore it causes redness and ulceration; if you drink it alone, it drives away sweat and warms you up, drawing juices from the depths of the body; rips off, dries and warms very much.

If you boil mint in wine, especially fresh mint, and apply it as a medicinal bandage, this will destroy black spots on the body and bruises that form under the eyes.

Wounds and ulcers.
Mountain mint is useful for cracks and tears; They bathe in a decoction of mountain mint for scabies and jaraba.

Tools with joints.
Drinking a decoction of mint is useful for muscle ruptures in the middle and at the ends, and for inflammation of the sciatic nerve, a medicinal bandage is made from mint; it ulcerates the skin, changes the nature of the organ and draws juices from the depths. If you eat mint and drink curd whey for several days in a row, it helps against elephantiasis and varicose veins. Mint, known as galikhun, helps relieve cramps when drunk. It is also used to treat gout and is beneficial because it causes redness.

Tumors and acne.
Pulegium mint is drunk against leprosy not only because of its absorbent properties, but also because it breaks off and thins the juices. Organs of the head.

Squeezed mint juice kills worms in the ear and causes headaches. Mountain mint is beneficial for mouth ulcers and promotes the drainage of excess through the nostrils. The causticity of galikhun strengthens the gums.

Respiratory system.
Mint decoction is useful for “standing breathing”. This is a powerful remedy for removing thick, sticky juices from the breasts, especially if taken with figs. Peppermint is also good for rib pain. Mountain mint has an even stronger effect, and galikhun has all these effects. Galikhun is poured with vinegar and the recently drenched plants are given to the fainting man to smell, and he comes to his senses. Goat mint helps with heart problems.

Nutritional organs.
Mint is useful for lack of appetite and weak stomach, and wild mint is especially useful for hiccups. It helps patients with jaundice due to its ability to cleanse, dissolve, open and thin in black and yellow gall jaundice. Its decoction works the same way. They bathe in a decoction of wild mint, and in case of jaundice, it expels the jaundice with sweat. Eating mint with figs helps with dropsy. Mountain mint stimulates the desire for food, and its decoction is also useful for dropsy. Galihun calms nausea. With wax ointment, a medicinal bandage is prepared from it on the spleen, and this shrinks it.

Goat mint works the same way. It is very useful for heart failure associated with the stomach, for melancholy and nausea.

Eruption organs.
Mint infusion drives away urine and helps with pain in the intestines and pain.

If mint, as it is, is crushed, boiled and drunk with honey, it kills the fetus, drives away menstruation and sometimes causes vomiting of mucus. Some say that garden mint destroys lust and prevents wet dreams, and wild mint significantly loosens the stomach. Mint, especially wild mint, is good for the uterus and kills worms, especially small ones; and mountain mint drives away black bile; at one time they give it eighteen qirats to drink in julab. One type of wild mint sometimes works the same way. All these types of mint are strengthening when mixed with vinegar and a small amount of maybukhtaj. The correct way to use it is to crush the mint, add it to vinegar and salt diluted with water and drink.

Mint, known as galikhun, removes excess black gall through the urinary tract. Wild mint sometimes does all this too.

A decoction of mint is drunk for chills, and also rubbed with oil; in which mint was boiled.

If you drink mint or make a medicinal bandage out of it, it helps against reptile bites; smearing it in this case is close to the effect produced by cauterization. If you drink mint with wine before poisoning, it will repel the effects of deadly poisons. Fumigation with mint leaves drives away reptiles in the same way as consuming the leaves as bedding.

Wild mint is an excellent remedy for scorpion bites, and mountain mint, if you drink its decoction in wine, is useful for the bites of wild animals.