
FUGA - (from Latin fūga - “running”) or fugal clouding of consciousness is a psychopathological syndrome in the form of a paroxysm of flight in schizophrenia. Mainly observed in malignant schizophrenia, as well as in catatonia and infectious encephalitis and damage to the temporo-parietal region (with right-sided localization of the epileptic focus). It is characterized by the suddenness of its occurrence, short duration (5-12 seconds) and lack of reaction of patients to what is happening around them while maintaining contact with others and the ability to perform automated actions. Some patients experience short-term depersonalization disorders with a feeling of loss of their own body and control over it. Treatment with neuroleptics and correction of affective disorders can stabilize the condition for a long time. Sometimes a psychotic episode can be caused by taking alcohol or psychoactive drugs.