Furui-Mishima Progressive Acromelanosis

Furui Mishima progressive diseases

Acromelanosis is the discoloration or discoloration of the skin in pigmented areas of the human body. With acromelinosis, a pigment spot appears as a result of hyperpigmentation from blood vessels or bruising. Furui mishin is the genesis of pigment spots associated with histiocytic system disease. The initial symptomatic change in the skin occurs under the influence of a common exogenous factor, then the patient’s color remains due to the internal organism.

The main property of the human body is tanning. Blood, in accordance with this property, can cause the generation of pigment spots on the skin. Over time, the intensity of pigmentation changes. Bruising or vascular disorders can cause a dark tint to appear on the skin. Normal skin color may return after the capillaries heal.

Furui misumi is a progressive disease caused by the presence of an autoimmune

Furui-Mishima, or Furu-Mi, is a rare genetic skin disease that manifests itself as dark spots on the body, similar to birthmarks. In the progressive form of the disease, dark spots spread over the entire surface of the skin. The causes of the disease are still unclear, but the spots usually disappear with age. Eat

Furui Mishima Progressive Acromelosis

Furui-Mishim progressive melanosis is the name given to pigmentation of the skin, the appearance of which marks a chronic inflammatory process in the subcutaneous fat. Another type of acromelonosis is known - exactly what is called Dubreuil's black Pseudomelanosis - named after the French dermatologist of the 19th century. The first diagnosis of Furuhi Misma was obesity. It was assumed that the disease is caused by characteristic fatty deposits on the face: maxillofacial abnormalities clearly indicate a mild anomaly. The term became so popular that it was later referred to as symptoms of facial obesity. However, a year later, French doctors found that the boil is not directly related to deposits on the skin. Pigmentation was explained by inflammatory processes in the tissues of the dermis - or its furunimatous swelling caused by infection of the sweat and sebaceous glands. A serious inflammatory focus can provoke the deposition of fat cells in the dermis in the form of black dots - lipodystrophy. Their appearance (furunema, staphylococcal neoplasm) also provoked the designation of the corresponding furunemosis form of melanosis. Staphyloderma is often combined with a number of other diseases such as diabetes and seborrhea.