
Sterilizer cases are metal or plastic containers with a lid and a spring core, designed for sterilization, safe storage and transportation of injection needles and syringes under sterile conditions. They are used in medical settings where safe and sterile handling of needles and syringes is required.

Sterilizer cases ensure the safety of staff and patients by protecting them from contact with potentially infectious materials. They also help keep needles and syringes sterile during transport, reducing the risk of contamination and the spread of infections.

For the manufacture of sterilizer cases, materials are used that do not react with the contents and are not destroyed during sterilization. Metal cases are usually made of stainless steel or aluminum, while plastic cases are usually made of polypropylene or polyethylene.

When choosing a sterilizer case, you need to consider its size, shape and volume to ensure sufficient space for placing needles and syringes, as well as ease of use. It is also important to consider sterilization and disinfection requirements to select the appropriate type of case.

Overall, sterilizer cases are an important tool for ensuring the safe and efficient handling of injection needles and syringes in healthcare settings.

Sterilizer cases are essential medical tools for storing and transporting medical instruments, especially when medical professionals work in remote and hard-to-reach places. Sterile conditions help keep instruments in excellent condition and prevent the possibility of infection from the patient, since infected