Heine-T 200

Gayne-T 200: an effective contraceptive method

Gaine-T 200 is one of the types of intrauterine contraceptive device produced by the pharmaceutical company Ortho-Pharmaceutical in Canada. This method of contraception is very popular around the world due to its high efficiency and long duration of action.

How does Gaine-T 200 work?

The IUD is a small plastic or copper shaped plug that is inserted into a woman's uterus. Gayne-T 200 is shaped like the letter "T" and contains a copper thread, which reduces the ability of sperm to fertilize an egg. Additionally, when an IUD is inserted into the uterus, it changes the lining of the uterus, making it less suitable for fertilizing an egg.

Advantages of Gaine-T 200

One of the main advantages of Gaine-T 200 is its long life. The IUD can be installed for up to 5 years, making it very convenient for women who want to avoid pregnancy for a long period of time. In addition, Gaine-T 200 does not affect the natural menstrual cycle and can be used both for contraception and for the treatment of certain gynecological diseases, such as ovarian cysts and endometriosis.

How to use Gaine-T 200?

The installation of an intrauterine contraceptive device should be performed by an experienced gynecologist. Before installing the IUD, a woman must undergo an examination and examination to ensure that there are no contraindications to the use of this method of contraception. After installation, the woman can continue her normal activities, but she should monitor her health and consult a doctor if any problems arise.


Gayne-T 200 is an effective contraceptive method that can be used by women who want to avoid pregnancy for a long period of time. It not only provides a high degree of protection against unwanted pregnancy, but can also be used to treat certain gynecological diseases. However, like any other contraceptive method, Gaine-T 200 has its advantages and disadvantages, and the use of this method should be discussed with a doctor to choose the most suitable contraceptive method for each woman.