Galban-Tandler Theory

Galbana Tandler (J. Halban, J. Tandler) are Austrian gynecologists and anatomists who in the 1940s put forward the theory that women have chastity. This theory was outlined in two papers presented at the International Congress of Gynecology in Vienna in 1892.

Galbana and Tandler suggested that in some women, the reproductive organs are at rest, and the possibility of conception may be blocked. Thus, the possibility of fertilization of an egg depends on ovulation. They suggested that such a condition is non-physiological for women and is a reflection of a mental or psychological state associated with morality, ethical principles and education.

In their works, Galbana and Tadler did not analyze the physiological state of the reproductive organs of women. Rather, they paid attention to their psychological situation and possible changes in women's behavior associated with the presence or absence of chastity in different cultures.

One of the features of the Galbana-Tanler theory was that it suggested a connection between chastity and the number of births in a woman’s life. He believed that the larger the number

Galbana and Tandler are two outstanding scientists who have made significant contributions to the development of medical science. They are known for their work on the Galban–Tandler theory, which has become a key element in understanding human development.

At the beginning of the 20th century, scientists began to study the process of human development using various methods and approaches. One of the most important advances has been the discovery of a variety of anatomical features that may be related to the development of the brain and nervous system. However, the mechanisms underlying these processes remained unclear.

Galbana and Tander found the answer to this question in their Galbana–Tanlery theory. They proposed that the development of the brain and nervous systems is related to the activity of various hormones and growth factors, such as estrogen and testosterone. These hormones and growth factors play an important role in the growth and development of organs, tissues and brain cells. According to the theory, the more hormones and factors grow, the more developed and functional the brain becomes.

In addition, Galbana and Thaler identified the role of the brain in connection with other organs and tissues. They developed the concept of multi-system coordination, in which the body's internal organs and systems work together as a whole to achieve optimal results. Galbana also developed the concept of “neuroendocrine connections” between the brain and the endocrine system. He believed that the brain controls the endocrine system and plays a central role in regulating body functions.