Galley and submarine

Tumors and acne.
Galia softens hard tumors.

Nutritional organs.
Galiya is dissolved in ban or wallflower oil and applied to the sore ear. It is useful for someone who is struck by an epileptic fit or sickness to smell it - it revives him. Galia soothes cold pain. When put into wine, it makes it intoxicating.

Breast organs.
Smelling galiya invigorates the heart.

Eruption organs.
Galia in the form of a candle helps against cold pain in the uterus, as well as against hard and mucous tumors. She drives menstruation and lowers the pinched and bent uterus, cleanses it and prepares it for pregnancy.

This medicine has a pleasant smell, the same color as quince.

Actions and properties.
Curds milk. Its strength is drying with a slight pungency; Its flowers help with hemorrhage.

Wounds and ulcers.
This medicine is sometimes thought to heal burns.