Hallucinations Bilateral Magnana

**Bilateral Mania** is a psychopathological phenomenon that was discovered in 1945 by psychiatrist Oliver J. Charlie. He described several cases of the disease, which manifested itself in both visual and auditory hallucinations occurring exclusively on the left and right sides. It is noteworthy that this phenomenon occurs only at night, in rare cases during the day. The hallucination of Bilateral mania can last for several minutes or even hours.

The occurrence of Bilateral mana hallucinations is accompanied by certain symptoms, such as loss of coordination of movements, dizziness, fainting, speech and sensory disturbances. The most common visual hallucinations include fuzzy, blurry, distorted or even black and white images that appear on only one side. Auditory hallucinations can be either single or multiple. They appear as a voice or voices speaking in an unfamiliar language or accent. During the periods between hallucinations, the patient may experience rapid progression