Hallucinogenic Substances

A hallucinogenic substance (HHA) is a chemical substance that, when ingested by the body, causes hallucinations. GVVs can be of natural and synthetic origin. Examples of naturally occurring HVVs include fly agaric, belladonna, peyote, and LSD. Synthetic BBWs include LSD, MAOI, phencyclidine, psilocybin, alpha-pyrrolidinovalerophenone. The effect of hepatitis B on the human body can be different and depends on the dose and duration of administration of the substance, as well as on the individual characteristics of the person.

The main effects of GVV are hallucinations, changes in behavior, memory, mood and mental activity. They can also cause irritability, aggressiveness, anxiety, fear, paranoia and other psychotic disorders.

Hallucinations are a key symptom of BBV exposure.

A hallucination is an artificial image that appears in a person’s mind without an external stimulus. All forms of human existence (psyche, behavior, etc.) are associated with hallucinations. A similar “disorder” of the psyche is observed in the event of a deterioration in a person’s physical condition: serious illness, use of drugs or medications, injuries or other damage to the brain. Hallucinations are caused by unstable mental functioning, disruption of metabolic processes in the brain at the cellular level, damage to the visual apparatus, poisoning with toxic gases, and damage to the nervous system. This type of central nervous system disorder is typical for people with mental disorders. Hallucinations in such diseases are observed more often than others. According to statistics, 64% of users of psychedelic drugs experience this phenomenon after prolonged use.

Hallucinations can occur from the use of cannabis, peyote, LSD, Psilocybin and its analogue Semanin, created back in the 20s. As a result of the use of hallucinogens, a person may experience strange taste sensations, for example, he may taste his own skin, hear non-existent sounds, and smell odors. Drug use leads to a so-called “trip through the subconscious”. During an unusual journey, a person feels like this,