
Galvanionoterapia is a treatment method that uses galvanic current and ions to improve health and treat various diseases. This method was developed in the late 19th century and has since become popular throughout the world.

Galvanic current is an electrical current that is created between two different metals. It is used to deliver metal ions into the human body. Metal ions have various properties that can help treat various diseases. For example, zinc ions can help fight colds, and magnesium ions can help treat muscle pain.

Ion therapy is a treatment method using metal ions. Ions can be delivered to the body through the skin or respiratory tract. This method is also widely used in medicine.

One of the advantages of galvanic ion therapy is its safety. It does not contain any chemicals and does not cause side effects. Additionally, it can be used to treat many conditions, including allergies, arthritis, diabetes, depression and many others.

However, before you start using galvanic ion therapy, you should consult your doctor. He can determine whether this treatment method is suitable for a particular case.

Modern medicine offers a large number of methods to combat diseases that are aimed at combating not only the symptoms, but also the causes that cause their appearance. One of these innovative methods is galvanoelectrophoresis and galvanization in physiotherapy - galvanotherapy. In this article we will get acquainted with this method in more detail and consider its effect on the body and in what cases it is used.

Galvanotherapy (halotherapy) is based on the influence of external, continuous electrical charges and internal human currents, similar in quality, shape and amplitude. This method of exposure is widely used in pulmonological practice for bronchial asthma. The physical factor in adults helps to reduce the duration and improve the course of bronchitis, colds, rhinitis and other diseases of both the upper respiratory tract and respiratory organs. Considering that a significant number of causes of respiratory diseases occur in the human body as a result of infectious diseases of a viral nature,