
Gametopathy is a treatment method based on the use of gametes (sex cells) to treat various diseases.

The term "gametopathy" comes from the Greek words "gamete" - reproductive cell and "pathos" - suffering, disease. In essence, gametopathy involves treatment with germ cells.

According to the principles of gametopathy, gametes have medicinal properties and can be used to correct various disorders in the body. The method is based on the hypothesis that germ cells carry information about the health of the body and can transmit this information, restoring homeostasis.

In practice, spermatozoa are most often used in gametopathy. They are introduced into the patient's body by injection or orally. It is assumed that sperm can have immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory and regenerative effects. However, the effectiveness and safety of the method have not been fully studied.

Thus, gametopathy is an unconventional method of therapy using germ cells. The scientific basis for the approach is currently considered insufficient. Further clinical studies are needed to determine the actual benefits and possible risks of gametopathy.

Gametopathy - (Gametopathia, from the Greek gamete - “gamete” and pathos - suffering); gametic pathology. - a pathological process that develops in the germ cells of a male or female body, leading to a violation of their ability to fertilize or develop an embryo.

Gametopathies are more common in sperm and eggs. The main difference is that the pathological process begins earlier or later in the life cycle. Therefore, any gametopathy is reflected in the embryo, that is, it complicates its subsequent development and growth.