Ganglionic Layer of the Cerebellar Cortex

The ganglion layer of the cerebellar cortex is a layer that is located on the surface of the hemispheres. It is part of the functionally specialized cortical structure of the cerebellum, which is responsible for coordinating body movements. The ganglion cortex consists of nerve cells that form small clusters - ganglia - which are interconnected by processes. This structure is formed by cellular junctions and an extracellular matrix that unite nerve cells into anatomical aggregates.

The ganglion layer is a heterogeneous layer containing various types of cells. Several functional zones can be distinguished in it - the upper part of the layer contains motor neurons responsible for controlling movement, as well as emotional neurons associated with emotions and motivation of motor activity. The main function of this layer is to coordinate the posture and movement of the human body and protect it from sudden external changes. The ganglion cortex can also respond to sensory information and is involved in the development of a sense of balance and support.
