Gangrene Dry

Dry gangrene is one of the common forms of necrosis of soft tissues of the lower extremities. Currently, gangrene affects older people and people with various skin diseases. These diseases are characterized by severe pain, inability to move and the appearance of ulcers. Treatment of dry gangrene is a complex medical procedure that should only be performed by professional doctors. Timely seeking help from a specialized clinic guarantees a quick recovery and preservation of limb function.

Throughout life, a person’s lower extremities are exposed to a variety of external influences in the form of aggressive external environmental factors, injuries, inflammatory processes, and chemical damage caused by traumatic wounds. Regular contact with water, friction during movement, and exposure to aggressive factors disrupt the integrity of the basement membrane, which causes damage to blood vessels. This process is often accompanied by metabolic disorders, thrombosis, the development of infection and tissue ischemia. If no measures are taken, this can lead to dry gangrene, which quite often leads to the loss of a limb. According to statistics, dry gangrene of the lower extremities occurs in 2-7% of the population.