Gas traps

Gas collectors are technical devices designed to reduce or completely eliminate the emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere. Due to imperfect ventilation systems and power equipment, emissions of hazardous substances inevitably occur, leading to environmental pollution. Therefore, the presence of gas eliminators is a necessary step to protect the health of plant employees while keeping the environment safe for living organisms to inhabit. Used in manufacturing, petrochemical industry, and other heavy industries. The main materials in the production of gas traps are metals, plastics, and glass.

A gas separator is a device for analyzing and regulating the concentration of various components in gaseous mixtures. They are used to capture harmful substances, industrial wastes and ingredients hazardous to health. With the help of gas collection filters, various gases are produced that are used by various enterprises in technological processes (chemical concerns, pharmaceutical industry, etc.). The devices are used in metallurgy, oil production, pharmaceuticals, energy, glass and automotive parts production enterprises.

What is a gas catcher The devices are produced by industrial enterprises of all major cities of the Russian Federation: Krasnodar, Yaroslavl, Omsk, Yekaterinburg, Moscow (clips, chains,