Gastritis Tumor-like

Gastritis is a disease that affects the walls of the stomach, causing inflammation and irritation. One of the most dangerous types of gastritis is tumor gastritis, which occurs as a result of the proliferation of malignant cells in the tissues of the stomach. Typically, swelling develops at the site of an ulcer or polyp, leaving behind inflamed tissue and causing pain when pressed. In worst cases, the tumor can spread to nearby organs and cause complications.

How is a gastric and pancreatic tumor determined?

A gastric tumor is detected by the presence of dilated lymph nodes above the stomach. The increase in size is called tumor infiltrate. These are nonspecific signs of the disease, i.e. do not give an accurate picture of the pathology. If the size of the neoplasm is from 2.5 cm, it can be suspected by palpation (palpation, probing) of the abdominal cavity.

Palpation of the prostate is a method for diagnosing prostatitis, which allows one to determine the functional characteristics of the prostate using a sliding technique through the perineum. Doctor touching