Gastrostomy According to Marvedelyu

What is a Gastrostomy or Tripod?

Gastrostomy is a double-lumen intestinal stent inserted through a small skin incision at the entrance to the stomach, without the classical operation of placing a gastrostomy and artificial nutrition through it. It is administered for the purpose of temporary nutrition of the patient (if oral food intake is impossible). The gastrostomy returns to the patient's inpatient nutrition when the integrity of the gastrointestinal tract is restored by bougienage. A gastrostomy is used for life as a permanent stoma (sometimes as an outflow stoma, sometimes as an inlet stoma). A gastrostomy tube is much more reliable than an esophagostomy and is not damaged by severe coughing and sneezing, but the procedure itself is more difficult for the patient to tolerate, is more traumatic and no less time-consuming. However, the service life of a gastrostomy stent is significantly longer than that of an enteral feeding tube.