
Gauze is a thin cotton material used to make dressings and tampons.

Gauze is made from cotton fibers by weaving them into a fine mesh. It usually consists of several layers and has a loose structure, which allows air and moisture to pass through it freely.

Due to its properties, gauze is widely used in medicine. It is used for dressing wounds, fixing bandages and bandages. Gauze is also impregnated with medications and applied to the affected areas of the skin in the form of compresses. It absorbs discharge from wounds well and does not stick to them.

In addition to medical purposes, gauze is also used in cosmetology, for filtering liquids, in clothing production and other areas. Depending on its purpose, gauze may differ in density, number of layers and other characteristics.

Gauze is a thin cotton material that is used to make dressings, tampons and other medical products.

Gauze was invented in the 18th century and was originally used to make wound dressings. It was made of cotton and had very thin threads, which allowed it to easily absorb liquid and protect the wound from infection.

Currently, gauze is also used to prepare tampons, which are used in gynecology, dentistry and cosmetology. Tampons can be made of gauze, cotton wool or other materials.

In addition, gauze can be used to create filters that are used to purify water and air. Gauze can also be used in the textile industry to produce fabrics and clothing.

Although gauze is a very popular material for medical purposes, it can also pose health risks. For example, if gauze is not sterilized before use, it may contain bacteria and other microorganisms that can cause infections. Therefore, before using the gauze, you need to make sure that it is sterile.

Gauze: features and applications Gauze is a very thin, light and soft material. It is made from special varieties of cotton, during the production of which natural yarn is not even used, but only starch. This fabric can be bleached (snow white), dyed (various colors) or undyed. Gauze is used in medicine and everyday life, as it has excellent breathability, which helps absorb medications or liquids when a person is sick. It is also used to strengthen the elastic properties of the skin (after burns), when dressing wounded and postoperative patients. They also make bras from it to support the breasts - without wires, if we are talking about lace, and