Ultrasound Gel

Ultrasound gel is used to improve the quality of ultrasound imaging. It allows you to obtain a clearer image of internal organs and tissues during ultrasound examination.

Main characteristics:

  1. Producing countries: Poland (Terpol), Russia (Geltek Company)
  2. Pharmaceutical group: agents that increase contrast in ultrasound examinations
  3. International name: ultrasound gel
  4. Dosage form: gel for external use, 340 g bottle

The gel is applied to the skin in the area to be examined. It fills irregularities on the surface of the skin and eliminates air gaps between the ultrasound device sensor and the patient’s body. This allows ultrasound waves to easily penetrate tissue and provides clearer visualization of internal organs.

Ultrasound gel is inert towards the skin and mucous membranes. It has no irritating or allergic effects. The gel is an effective and safe product that improves the quality of ultrasound diagnostics.