Clareol gel for papillomas and warts: price, reviews, instructions

Gel Clareol for papillomas and warts

The content of the article:
  1. Description and composition of the gel
  2. Benefits of Clareol for warts
  3. Instructions for use
  4. Contraindications
  5. Results of treatment of papillomas
  6. Real reviews of Clareol gel

Clareol gel is a remedy for removing tumors caused by the human papillomavirus. It is used externally to eliminate various types of growths on the epidermis: papillomas, simple and flat warts, and spines.

Description and composition of the gel "Clareol"

Gel Clareol for papillomas

Pictured is Clareol gel for papillomas and warts

Clareol is a series of products designed to combat the human papillomavirus and the epidermal neoplasms it causes. To treat the virus in the body, the drug is used in the form of tablets; for external treatment of tumors, a gel is used.

The composition of the Clareol gel includes the following components:

  1. D-panthenol. A substance that belongs to group B vitamins. Also called dexapanthenol. It is used in moisturizing and treating epidermal breaks, as an integral part of pharmaceutical and cosmetic products. Used in the form of tablets, solution, aerosol, cream, ointment, emulsion for external application, treatment of mucous membranes, injections. In the body, this substance is converted into pantothenic acid, which actively stimulates the regeneration of skin and mucous membranes, normalizes cellular metabolism, and accelerates collagen production. Due to the presence of this substance in the medicine for papillomas Clareol, the epidermis is moisturized and an anti-inflammatory effect is possible. Indications for use are inflammatory diseases, burns, postoperative, postpartum conditions, dryness of the epidermis, violation of its integrity, boils, trophic ulcers. The substance has such a deep restorative effect that it is even used in the treatment of ophthalmological diseases, in particular eye burns and corneal diseases.
  2. Deionized water. It is a transparent liquid that does not contain impurity ions. By and large, this is almost completely purified water. For its production, ion exchange resins are used, having previously provided the reverse osmosis process. It is actively used in cosmetology as a basis for gels, creams, and peeling products. The presence of this water in the composition of the products increases their shelf life by preventing the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. It moisturizes the skin much better than just purified water.
  3. Acrylate crosspolymer. It is a water-soluble polymer, which is also called carbomer. It is a film-forming substance, acts as a gelling agent and stabilizer. Used in cosmetics for hair and skin. Most often used as a moisturizing agent that forms plastic layers on the epidermis and hair. This film is water-binding and gives a smooth feeling.
  4. Sodium hydroxide. Despite the fact that this compound is a caustic alkali, which poses a serious danger to the epidermis and mucous membranes, its property of corroding organic surfaces is actively used in cosmetology and medicine. This substance is one of the most popular compounds present in drugs for the treatment of papillomas. The substance is represented by yellowish or white solid granules with a slightly slippery, soapy texture to the touch. In addition to cosmetology and medicine, it is used in the chemical and food industries.

The gel is produced in the form of a viscous translucent liquid that is practically odorless. Packaged in plastic bottles with elongated spouts and cardboard boxes with instructions.

Clareol price from 347 rubles in Russia (from 399 hryvnia in Ukraine).

Analogues of Clareol are the drugs Ferezol, Superchistotel, Panavir, Antipapillom, Dermavit and others. They do not repeat the composition of the gel, but are similar in their effect on epidermal formations caused by HPV.
  1. See also the description and composition of the Panavir gel for papillomas and warts

Benefits of Clareol for warts and papillomas

Clareol for papillomas and warts

The effect of the medicine for papillomas Clareol can be divided into two important phases. The first includes the destruction of the membranes of pathogenic cells, the second - the restoration of healthy skin. A double effect is achieved using a unique composition that is not repeated in any other medical or cosmetic product aimed at providing a deep epidermal effect.

With the help of Clareol gel it is possible to achieve the following health effects:

  1. Cauterization of the tumor. Acrylate helps destroy the top layer of mutated cells and penetrates into the middle of the growth, thus destroying papillomas from the inside.
  2. Tissue necrosis. Alkali causes the destruction of cells that have grown as a result of an increase in the concentration of human papillomavirus in the body.
  3. Mummification of papilloma. The process of necrotization leads to gradual blackening and drying of the neoplasm.
  4. Exfoliating the growth. Deprived of nutrition and oxygen, cells become keratinized and peel off from the surface of the skin.
  5. Anesthesia applications. Despite the fact that the composition contains active chemical compounds that can cause a severe chemical burn, the use of Clareol, which contains D-panthenol, neutralizes discomfort and helps the wound heal faster.
  6. Anti-inflammatory effect. It consists of fighting microorganisms that can cause inflammatory processes leading to blood poisoning. This action is also possible by slowing down the process of sebum secretion.
  7. Regenerating process. The presence of highly purified water helps to provide nutrition to the deep layers of the skin, moisturize it, which speeds up metabolism and significantly increases the regenerative properties of the epidermis.
  8. Rejuvenates the skin. A complex of regenerative processes launched at the site of treatment with the drug helps increase the production of collagen, which fights the signs of age on the skin, rejuvenating it both outside and inside.

Read also about the benefits of Gepon in the treatment of papillomas and warts.

Instructions for use of gel "Clareol" for papillomas and warts

How to use Clareol gel for papillomas

The photo shows a description of how to use Clareol gel for papillomas

Despite the fairly strong regenerating effect that this drug has, it still has destructive properties that cannot be ignored when using the product. Therefore, the use of Clareol gel requires compliance with certain precautions, which should not be neglected. In particular, it is approved for use exclusively as an external agent, and before treating tumors it is necessary to protect the skin around the papilloma.

Instructions for using the gel "Clareol":

  1. If you are attempting to remove simple, flat warts or filamentous papillomas, proceed with the application after washing the new growth with soap and drying it with a terry towel.
  2. If a spine is to be removed, for greater effectiveness it is necessary to remove as much keratinized skin from the tumor as possible. To do this, steam it, cut it off with nail scissors or wipe off the ridge of white keratinized skin that has formed around the plantar wart with a pumice stone (grinding file). After this, begin treatment with the drug.
  3. Use baby cream or Vaseline to treat the skin around the wart. This will help prevent the drug from getting on healthy skin, which will prevent injury to uninfected tissues.
  4. Remove the tube from the box and remove the cap. Squeeze a small amount of Clareol gel onto the growth.
  5. Distribute the gel evenly over the entire surface of the papilloma.
  6. Do not rub the drug, do not massage the application site, do not blow on it. Allow the product to absorb on its own and penetrate deep into the tumor.
  7. Do not wash off the product, even if you feel a slight discomfort.
It is necessary to use the medicine for papillomas Clareol once a day until the treated area of ​​the skin darkens. After this, you should stop processing and wait until the neoplasm mummifies and gradually peels off.
  1. See also instructions for using Zinc ointment for papillomas and warts

Contraindications to the use of Clareol


There is no extensive data on contraindications to the use of this product. In this case, general recommendations apply to drugs aimed at combating benign formations caused by HPV.

First of all, before using the product, you should consult a dermatologist, oncologist or surgeon to clarify the degree of oncogenicity of your tumor.

If permission to use Clareol to remove tumors has been received, keep in mind that this product still cannot be used for dermatological diseases accompanied by pain, itching, burning, and skin rashes.

It is also not allowed to use the product on nevi, moles, near epidermal breaks and trophic ulcers.

The following patients should use Clareol with caution:

  1. Having sensitivity to any of the ingredients of the product;
  2. People susceptible to any allergic reactions;
  3. Children under 18 years of age;
  4. Pregnant women and women during lactation.

See also contraindications to the use of Acyclovir ointment for papillomas.

Results of treatment of papillomas and warts with Clareol

Result of papilloma removal with Clareol gel

Result of papilloma removal with Clareol gel

According to the data provided by the manufacturer, one treatment with Clareol gel is often sufficient to remove small, fresh growths. Exfoliation of the keratinized epidermis occurs after 1-2 days, and after 3-5 days the skin is completely cleansed.

If the warts are extensive and have been on the epidermis for a long time, repeated treatments may be necessary. They should be carried out until the neoplasm darkens. To do this, according to Clareol's instructions, you will need 3-5 procedures. After this, you can also expect detachment of the tumor and restoration of healthy skin.

  1. Read also about the results of treatment of papillomas with Betadine ointment

Real reviews of the Clareol gel for papillomas and warts

Reviews of the gel "Clareol" for papillomas and warts

Clareol has numerous reviews. But there is also conflicting information about this remedy. In particular, the drug is sometimes called completely ineffective, unable to have a therapeutic effect on tumors caused by papillomavirus. However, according to a large number of positive reviews, this information is not confirmed. According to patients, the gel is effective and capable of removing tumors in a much shorter period of time than similar products with a different composition.

Inna, 26 years old, Perm

After I seriously gained weight, I began to exercise intensively to get rid of extra pounds. I went to the gym and the swimming pool. I have not yet had time to lose anything, but I have already acquired plantar warts, which very often people bring from swimming pools and sports sections. While they didn’t interfere with walking, I didn’t do much with them, but when they started to get bigger, hurt and interfere with walking, I realized that I needed to do something about them. She started, like many, with folk remedies, then gradually switched to medicinal ones, but this did not give much result. My mother’s friend advised me to buy Clareol, since she had spines several times and removed them with the help of this drug. When I opened the box with the gel, I was a little upset, because the tube was small and it seemed to me that removing my wart with one bottle would not be enough. Thanks to the gel-like consistency, the product did not spread, but was very targeted at the neoplasm. Because of this, its consumption was small. 5 days of use was enough for me to remove my spine. True, I did not use it according to the instructions, but as my mother’s friend advised - I processed it three times a day. Within 2 days the tumor darkened and after another 3 days it was almost completely peeled off. A week later I had a barely visible mark, and after a while there was none left.

Elena Stepanovna, 46 years old, Moscow

I have had the human papillomavirus since my youth, when I was actively involved in sports. I often went to sports training camps and competitions, but these are common showers, where, as it seems to me, these diseases are most often acquired. I have repeatedly tried to treat it with medications. This didn't have much effect. The papillomas went away, and after a while they returned again. Therefore, I decided not to spend money and not poison my own body. To combat tumors, I began to use exclusively external means. I bought Clareol in Moscow. It has a fairly soft but strong effect. Of course, when I read in the instructions that papillomas can be removed in one day, I didn’t believe it. But I think what the hell is not joking. I purchased the drug and was very surprised when the small fresh papillomas went away after the first use. It took 2 days to remove slightly larger growths, some - 3, but no more. I liked the fact that the gel did not burn the skin around the tumor. I used a protective cream, but I also used it when treating with other means, and got irritation, but this one did not cause irritation.

Katerina, 36 years old, St. Petersburg

Warts on my hands appear regularly - about once every 2 years. And I am a great expert in all kinds of means for removing them, since I have already used many drugs. I also used cryofreezing and laser removal, but the recovery was quite long and painful, so I decided to give preference to medicinal methods. It so happened that I met an interesting man on a dating site, and he offered to meet. And I have a long-standing wart in a visible place, a very unpleasant situation. The deadlines were tight, and I rushed to the Internet for reviews. I read that now the most popular remedy in St. Petersburg is Clareol, which removes warts quickly. I decided to check it out. Since it was already quite old, I used the product not once a day, as the instructions advise, but twice. At first it shrank, then darkened and shrunk, and after 3 days it fell off. A barely visible trace remained. After a while, my friend also removed papillomas with this product. Since the consumption of the drug is very small, I had it sitting idle, I gave it to her. And she used it successfully. With its help, she removed tumors under the breasts that appeared after pregnancy. She thanked me very much because she was satisfied.

  1. See also real reviews about the treatment of papillomas with Stefalin ointment

How to use Clareol - watch the video:


The advantages of this product include the fact that it is certified and recommended for treatment at home. Manufacturers note that it does not cause side effects, as is the case with laser removal and cryofreezing, namely, after using Clareol there is no dizziness and nausea. There is also almost one hundred percent effectiveness of the product and a visible result after the first application. The gel is affordable and has a faster effect on the epidermis than other products. The only disadvantage is the fact that you cannot buy Clareol in a pharmacy; it is distributed only via the Internet.

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