
Helicotrima: description **Helicothrama** (helcothrama) is a mechanical damage to dental tissues, in which destruction of dentin is observed, filling of defects with young tissues of various origins (enamel, follicular tissue, root filling or periodontal tissues), as a result of which, with an increase in the amplitude of the functional load micro- and macrocracks in dentin expand, spread along the enamel and the root opening of the dentinal tubules, helical-shaped channels develop, reminiscent of curls of spirally twisted shells and mollusk shells (uli

Helicotremes are a narrow spinal canal located at the border of the upper and lower jaws. The disease is characterized by a long-term inflammatory process in the soft tissues of the dentition and requires immediate treatment. In the absence of timely intervention, the acute form of the disease quickly develops into a chronic form with the blurring of characteristic signs, which makes diagnosis difficult.

Helicotremes are called not only open toothless or thinned pieces of bone tissue, but also the junction of the lower and upper jaws in dogs. This pathology can be congenital or acquired,