
Hemaphylasis are wasps that live in mountainous areas and can penetrate human habitation. This is a fairly rare species that does not occur often. However, you need to know how to deal with these insects, and also in what cases it is better not to touch them at all. Today we’ll talk about what Hemaphylsosis is and how to get rid of these dangerous insects. We all love fresh air, and especially those places where there are greenery, flowers and grass, around which various insects build their nests. In urban conditions, it is the Hemaphilis butterfly that chooses areas with the presence of flowering plants for its habitat. Wasps are quite varied in appearance, but all have a so-called “genus mark”. This is the name given to the red spots located above the insect's eyes. By their size it is easy to determine when the mating season begins, which for these insects takes place in the spring. If the queens lay eggs, the spot is three to seven millimeters in size. If there are males, the spot is two millimeters. Many people consider butterflies to be a beautiful decoration on flowers or young green leaves. However, anyone who has encountered these