Hemiplegia Spinal

What kind of disease is this?

Hemiplegia is the most common and progressive degree of impairment of the motor function of the lower limb in the form of a decrease in its function below the level of damage to the spinal nerve; the lower limb is completely or almost completely paralyzed, that is, the patient cannot walk and needs help when walking. Today it is almost impossible to find a person who is absolutely healthy. During life, people do not develop only diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, the musculoskeletal system, as well as mental disorders and various others that do not depend on the functioning of the nervous system. However, if you look at WHO statistics on incidence, you will notice that the number of people suffering from hemiplegia will not decrease in the near future. It should be understood that in most cases this is due to a person’s age or excessive use of alcohol and drugs.

Frequency of occurrence Most often, the disease occurs in the elderly and senile, less often in childhood. The prevalence is approximately 4 million patients worldwide. In patients with brain diseases, hemiplegia rarely occurs due to the fact that the brain protects against damage to the lining of the brain.