
Hemodermatitis is an inflammatory skin disease that is characterized by a red rash, itching and swelling.

Hemodermatitis is a common disease and can occur in people of any age. Most often, men aged 45-50 years suffer from hemoderma. Hemoderimitis is a chronic process that has several stages of development: 1. At the first stage, redness and a rash appear, which then spreads to most of the body. The inflammation is usually localized to the upper arms, legs, face, scalp and chest. The rash comes in different sizes and

Hemoderma is a malignant melanoma. Melanoma is the most common type of skin cancer. The incidence of melanoma until the mid-80s increased in people over the age of 50, and after this trend changed to the opposite, that is, melanoma began to occur most often in young people (especially boys) and in children. This sharp increase in incidence can be associated with the “shadow of the bicycle”, when more and more people begin to engage in various sports. The risk of this disease increases with age, but can also develop at a young age.