
Hemohes: plasma replacement solution based on gelatin, starch and albumin

Hemohes is a plasma replacement solution that is used to correct the volume of circulating blood. It contains the active ingredient polyhydroxyethyl starch and is produced by B. Braun Melsungen AG in Germany. Hemohes is available in two dosage forms: solution for infusion 6% and solution for infusion 10%.

Hemoches is used to treat hypovolemia and hypovolemic shock, as well as for the prevention and treatment of burns, injuries, septic conditions and other conditions associated with loss of circulating blood volume. It can also be used to enhance leukocyte collection during leukapheresis.

Although Hemoches is effective, it is not suitable for all patients. Contraindications for use include hypersensitivity to the components of the solution, severe hemorrhagic diathesis and other bleeding, hypervolemia, overhydration or dehydration, severe congestive heart failure, severe renal dysfunction and pregnancy. The use of Hemohes is also not recommended in children under 10 years of age.

When using Hemohes, the development of undesirable reactions is possible. Allergic and anaphylactic reactions can manifest as urticaria, bronchospasm with difficulty breathing, pulmonary edema and heart failure. With large doses of Hemohes, a transient prolongation of blood clotting time, prothrombin and partial thrombin time may be observed. It is also possible to decrease the levels of albumin, calcium and fibrinogen in the blood serum.

Before starting treatment with Hemohes, it is necessary to carefully assess the patient's condition and take into account possible contraindications and side effects. In addition, during treatment it is necessary to regularly monitor blood counts and the patient's condition.