Gene Dependent

Gene dependent

The genetic factor plays a very important role in the formation of addictions and behavioral disorders. Many scientists from different countries are working on the problem of addiction, but there is still no consensus on which gene is the key one. There are studies that indicate that certain genes may increase the risk of developing addiction to alcohol, drugs, and even genes associated with mental disorders. In this article we will look at the basic information about a gene called the "dependent gene", or cryptomeric gene.

Genetic basis of addictions

In 1995, the first study was conducted that indicated a connection between the presence of the cryptomeric gene and an increased risk of developing alcoholism. Since then, many studies have been conducted to examine how the cryptomeric gene is associated with the development of addictions. However, it is important to note that the idea that a specific gene could be linked to addiction is controversial. Some researchers believe that such a gene does not exist and that addiction is a multifactorial problem that depends on many genetic and environmental factors. Other researchers continue to work on finding a universal gene associated with the development of addiction. In particular, one of the most well-known genes associated with alcohol and addiction

Gene dependent - (syn. - cryptogenic), a mutation in the genes responsible for the formation of dependence. The dependent gene is a mutation in the genetic material of a person, which leads to problems with mental health and behavior in the form of feelings of depression, anxiety, panic attacks, fear of unfamiliar situations, social phobia, physical anxiety, increased irritability, drowsiness, gluttony, depressive behavior.

The gene is environmentally dependent - its development can influence whether a person becomes addicted to substances or not. However, there are many studies on the genetics of drug addiction that indicate a predisposition to addiction and also provide estimates of the risk for developing a problem depending on a particular drug. Research has also been conducted on the psychological mechanisms of addiction formation - the importance of the factors of neuroticism, personality, close relationships, the “repertoire” of narcissistic disorder, etc. has been established.

Another important risk factor for a gene-dependent person is the social environment: for those who are surrounded by dependent relatives,