Geographical Environment of the Human Age

The human geographic environment is the part of the Earth’s nature within which humanity lives and interacts. It includes all natural conditions that affect people's lives.

The geographical environment has a huge impact on human life. It determines climate, soil, vegetation, wildlife, and the availability of resources such as water, oil, gas and other minerals. People's health, their lifestyle and culture depend on the geographical environment.

For example, in hot countries, people live in conditions of high temperature and humidity, which can lead to various diseases. In cold regions, people are forced to wear warm clothes and shoes to protect themselves from the cold. In addition, the geographic environment determines the availability of resources for people to live. For example, deserts have no water, but tropical forests have many rivers and lakes, which makes them more suitable for life.

Thus, the geographical environment is an important factor that influences the lives and well-being of people. It must be used carefully and protected for future generations.

Geographical environment of a person Geographical environment is part of the nature of the earth (within which and in relation to which only a social person can exist), with which he is in constant interaction - this is a complex of objects of inanimate nature: the earth’s shells, components of the natural environment (the atmosphere, the hydrosphere , lithosphere), natural resources and natural conditions that directly interact with society (socio-economic and technological conditions).

In conditions of sharp stratification of levels of civilizational development of mankind, it reacts differently to the natural environment. An adaptive form of development of natural resources and adaptation to conditions is becoming the norm for economically developed countries, but for the poorest and most backward - an exception, a crisis giving rise to an environmental crisis. Thus, the greening of the economy currently being carried out is a form of a general environmental crisis.

Elements of the geographical environment can be - a separate settlement, large and small cities, tourist places, resort areas,