
Georgievsky's symptom (or Mussi's symptom) is a pathognomonic symptom of acute appendicitis. It was first described by the French surgeon Alexandre Mussi in 1867 and named after him. Since then it has become one of the most reliable symptoms of acute appendicitis. Unlike other symptoms that may indicate abdominal pain but are not necessarily associated with acute appendicitis, George's symptom always indicates it.

The symptom is an important diagnostic criterion. If the doctor suspects acute appendicitis, the patient should be immediately examined in the emergency department, taking into account the indicators of St. George's symptom, and if there are no signs of peritonitis, the patient can be successfully operated on in a day hospital. If the patient’s clinic does not correspond to this symptom or the patient himself does not see a doctor, or with other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract the patient’s condition sharply worsens, then it is highly recommended that he immediately go to the emergency department. This condition is a reason for hospitalization or referral by ambulance to a surgical hospital