Hepatitis Toxic

Toxic hepatitis is a serious liver disease caused by prolonged exposure to various toxic substances. This may be due to the use of alcohol, drugs, medications and other toxicants. The cause of such hepatitis can also be professional activities related to the production of certain types of products or work in hazardous industries.

Toxic hepatitis causes liver damage, dysfunction and cell destruction. This negatively affects the general condition of the body, since the liver is an important organ for metabolism, blood purification, metabolism and other processes in the body.

Treatment of toxic hepatitis begins with eliminating the causes that caused liver damage. To achieve this, measures are taken to prevent or reduce contact with toxicants, a special diet is offered and treatment is prescribed, including antibiotics, hepatoprotectors and other drugs. There are also safe methods to alleviate the symptoms of the disease, for example, infusion of glucose solution through an IV or fractional use of medications. All these methods are aimed at increasing the volume of blood cells to purify the blood. It is important to know that if signs of toxic hepatitis appear, you must immediately consult a doctor who will help determine the cause and prescribe the correct treatment. Self-medication can only aggravate the condition and lead to dangerous complications.