
Pelargonium graveolens Ait

More than 700 varieties of geranium are known, and only a few are suitable for essential oil production:PelargoniumgraveolensAit, P. roseumwilldenjn, P. odorantissimum, P. radens and some others. In its homeland, South Africa, geranium is a perennial shrub up to 1 m tall, with pubescent leaves and small pink flowers. The plant is widely cultivated in many countries of the world. Since ancient times, geranium has been known as a universal healing remedy. Crushed fresh leaves were applied to skin ulcers and fresh wounds. With its help, inflammatory processes were relieved, dysentery, cancer, hemorrhoids, infertility, and nervous disorders were treated.

Essential oil from geranium leaves was first obtained by the French chemist Recluse in 1819. The oil has a subtle, fresh, slightly bitter aroma with hints of mint and rose. It is widely used in the food industry as a flavoring agent and, of course, in perfumery and medicine.

Medicinal properties

  1. Used in the treatment of influenza, colds, laryngitis, spasmodic cough, runny nose, sinusitis, tonsillitis, glossitis. Restores the sense of smell.
  2. Taken for gastritis, inflammatory processes in the intestines, colitis, stomach ulcers, dyspepsia.
  3. Has a weak diuretic effect. Used for swelling, cystitis, kidney and bladder stones, stimulates the adrenal cortex.
  4. Regulates heart function, prevents venous stagnation of blood, indicated for arrhythmia, tachycardia, ischemia.
  5. Normalizes blood pressure.
  6. Stops nasal and uterine bleeding. Regulates the menstrual cycle. Helps with severe menopause and mastitis.
  7. Antidiabetic agent. Anesthetizes and relieves inflammation of the middle ear, eliminates inflammation of the oral cavity (stomatitis).
  8. Harmonizes the function of the endocrine glands. Antishock agent.
  9. Stimulates the immune system.
  10. Promotes rapid healing of bones in case of fracture.
  11. It has an antispasmodic effect for headaches and migraines.
  12. The antimicrobial effect is manifested in infectious skin lesions, fungal diseases, herpes, dermatitis, dry eczema, lichen, neurodermatitis, skin cracks, abscesses.
  13. Used for healing wounds, ulcers, burns, frostbite, as it stimulates the process of cell renewal.
  14. Prevents benign and malignant neoplasms.
  15. Optimizes carbohydrate-fat metabolism.
  16. In folk medicine it is known as a tonic, antibacterial, antidepressant, wound-healing, antiseptic, antirheumatic, astringent, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anthelmintic, anticonvulsant, hemostatic, warming, antitumor, stimulant, hemostatic, relaxant. Used for sudden rushes of blood to the head, menopause, leucorrhoea, hemorrhoids, obesity, states of fear, in the treatment of cancer, dysentery, hemoptysis, pain in the stomach and lower back, infertility, psoriasis, edema, lymph congestion, liver diseases, gall bladder, throat infections , also for healing wounds and ulcers, getting rid of intestinal parasites.
  17. Relieves depression, nervous tension, increases mental activity. Used for neuritis, neuralgia, radicular syndrome, neuroses, asthenia, states of fear.
  18. The oil regulates blood circulation and fluid exchange well, and has a tightening effect, so it is successfully used for cellulite. Suitable for any skin type. Normalizes the activity of sebaceous and sweat glands. It has a rejuvenating and whitening effect, relieves inflammation and flaking, and promotes the healing of cracks in the skin. Prescribed for acne. Eliminates dandruff. An excellent natural deodorant.
  19. Softens the effects of bee and wasp stings and is used against lice, mosquitoes, flies, and moths.


Oil burner: 5-6 k.

Externally: 7-8 k. per 10 ml of vegetable oil.

Internally: 2 k. for 1 tsp. honey 3 times a day after meals.

Baths: 5-6 k.

Inhalations: 1-2 k.

Compresses: 4-5 k.

For skin lesions and headaches: pure oil.

Burn: pure oil.

Turunda in the ear: 1:2 with transport oil.

Enrichment of cosmetics: 3-5 k. per 5 g of base.

Contraindications. Individual intolerance, epilepsy, 1-6 months of pregnancy, children under 7 years old, with low blood sugar.

Note. Not recommended for use by women using contraceptives.