Geriatric Care

Geriatric care is a complex of specialized medical, social and medical measures to provide assistance to elderly and senile people with their age-related diseases and injuries, which are performed primarily by a geriatric team with subsequent coordination of treatment and rehabilitation measures by outpatient clinics

Here is my article on the topic of "Geriatric Care":

Geriatric care is not just about health Geriatric care is a discipline that covers all aspects of health care for older adults. Geriatrics is a combination of the sciences of healthy aging and gerontology. The concept of geriatrics is determined not so much by a person's physical age, but by his state of health, physical and social functioning, including the role he plays in society. The field of geriatrics is a difficult area of ​​medicine, and therefore an important area of ​​public life. The subject of scientific work in geriatrics is the study of age-related pathology, methodology for a comprehensive geriatric assessment of an elderly person, age-related pathology of the cardiovascular system, chronic lung diseases, orthopedics in elderly patients, nonspecific prevention and prevention of hypertension, diseases of the lower extremities, salmonellosis and parasitic infections in the elderly people, homeostasis, assessment of physical