Hutchinson Face

Human history has more than a hundred examples of the appearance of various masks. They performed various functions: in theaters, circuses, at masquerades and fashion festivals, people dressed up as characters from various fairy tales to protect themselves from dangers and express their emotions. Modern masks mostly serve a decorative function. Unlike ordinary people, when creating a mask, the artist knows that the mask is not worn to protect the human body and is durable. This feature allows you to make simple and uniform masks for annual corporate events. There you only need to change the color scheme. Sometimes the mask is just makeup. This is what a carnival mask looks like. Such masks have many options, differing in style and purpose, but what they have in common is that they are not a work of art, just as a work is art only if it has a unique image. The thought expressed by the author’s reasoning provokes the idea that most “works” are not works of art.

There is another type of mask that is close to the true work. For these masks, the artist must combine a keen sense of colorism and the ability to harmoniously combine elements of different planes. The rarity of such combinations can be felt in animation. Subsequent