
Country of origin: Germany
Pharm-Group: Lipid-lowering drugs - fibrates

Manufacturers: Goedecke/Parke-Davies (Germany)
International name: Gemfibrozil
Synonyms: Gemfibrozil, Ipolipid, Normolip, Regulip
Dosage forms: film-coated tablets 600 mg, film-coated tablets 450 mg
Composition: Active ingredient - gemfibrozil.
Indications for use: Hyperlipidemia types IIb, IV, V (according to Frederikson D.S., 1967).
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, impaired liver and kidney function (including primary biliary cirrhosis, cholelithiasis), pregnancy, breastfeeding, concomitant use of lovastatin.
Side effects: Cholelithiasis, dizziness, drowsiness, paresthesia, depression, headache, decreased libido, impotence, blurred vision, myalgia, myasthenia gravis, rhabdomyolysis, synovitis, arthralgia, increased levels of AST, ALT, creatine phosphokinase, alkaline phosphatase, bilirubin, leukopenia, anemia , bone marrow hypoplasia, allergic reactions.
Interaction: Enhances the effect of anticoagulants (indirect) and oral hypoglycemic agents of sulfonylurea derivatives. When used simultaneously with carbamazepine, the concentration of the latter in the blood plasma increases. Incompatible with statins (lovastatin). When used simultaneously with antacids, the absorption of gemfibrozil from the gastrointestinal tract is reduced. When colestipol and gemfibrozil are taken simultaneously, the absorption of gemfibrozil is reduced. When used simultaneously with cyclosporine, the absorption and concentration of cyclosporine in the blood plasma decreases.
Overdose: No data available.
Special instructions: During treatment, systematic monitoring of blood lipid levels is necessary.
Literature: Encyclopedia of Medicines 2004. Reference book "Vidal 2006".