
Hydrurresis is a medical term that describes the procedure for surgical removal of polyps or other growths in the intestines, stomach and other abdominal organs. The procedure is minimally invasive and involves the use of laparoscopic instruments to remove formations. Most often, hydrurresis is performed for polyposis, adenomas of the large intestine and pancreas, and hemorrhoids. Surgery is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the disease, reducing discomfort and preventing the development of complications, such as inflammation of the intestinal lining or bleeding.

Main indications for hydrurosis

Hydrurresis (or hydrures) is the treatment of choice for patients with a wide range of diseases and syndromes. There can be a wide range of symptoms, such as the following:

chronic abdominal pain, indigestion, stable increased gas formation, constant discomfort in the abdomen. Tools

Hydrauresis uses specialized endoscopic instruments and equipment, including high-definition cameras and fine needles. During the operation, general anesthesia is applied and special instruments are used that allow the operation to be performed through small incisions in the abdominal wall. They may include various endoscopic devices, such as a laparoscope, a hytrurresis device and other devices that allow