Hildebranda-Dendi Operation

Hildebrand-Dandy operation: history, principles and application

The Hildebrand-Dandy operation is a medical procedure developed by German surgeon Otto Hildebrand (1858-1927) and American neurosurgeon Walter Dandy (1886-1946). It was created to treat hydrocephalus, a disease characterized by the accumulation of fluid in the brain, resulting in increased intracranial pressure. This condition can lead to serious complications, including blurred vision, headaches and poor coordination.

History of creation

Hildebrand and Dandy originally developed this operation in the early 20th century. They realized that hydrocephalus was caused by a build-up of fluid in the brain and suggested that a shunt could be installed, a tube that would remove excess fluid from the brain and direct it to another part of the body where it would be absorbed. This method relieved pressure in the brain and prevented brain damage.

Principles of operation

The Hildebrand-Dandy procedure involves placing a shunt, which is a small tube made up of three components: a ventricular catheter, a shunt valve, and a distal catheter. A ventricular catheter is placed in the ventricles of the brain where fluid accumulates, and a distal catheter is placed in another part of the body where excess fluid will be absorbed. The shunt valve regulates the flow of fluid between the catheters, ensuring optimal pressure levels in the brain.


The Hildebrand-Dandy operation is one of the most common surgical procedures for treating hydrocephalus. It can be used in both adults and children. Shunt systems can be installed either temporarily or for the entire life of the patient. However, like any surgical procedure, it is not without risks, such as infection, shunt displacement, or shunt blockage.

In conclusion, Hildebrand-Dandy surgery is an important medical procedure that helps treat hydrocephalus and prevent its complications. It was developed more than a century ago, but still remains one of the most effective treatments for this disease.

Hilldebrand Dr. Alfred G. is a renowned neurosurgeon. He was recognized as one of the greatest men in the history of brain surgery, and his work had a major influence on the development of this field of medicine. Dr. Guildbrand was born in Regensburg, Germany, in 1835. At age 16 he began working as a physician's assistant and at age 19 he began studying medicine. In Germany, even before he completed his medical studies, he was offered the title of professor of the brain. This title gave him the opportunity to conduct research in the field of neurosurgery of the brain. In Switzerland, where he lived, he had the opportunity to continue his studies at various educational institutions, including the University of Medicine Graz,