
Hygienic culture and individual human health directly depend on proper oral hygiene or, more simply put, gingivism. Gingivism involves a set of measures to care for teeth and gums, as well as timely treatment. It includes several factors that must be observed in parallel. Failure to comply with even one of them can lead to the spread of the disease.

In this regard, it is important for every person to know the basic rules of oral care, taking into account individual characteristics,

Gingiva (lat. gingiva) is a section of the mouth, the mucous membrane of the upper or lower jaw, as well as the interdental spaces, covering the alveolar processes of the jaws from the base of the alveoli (apical section) to the edge of the gums.

In dentistry and medicine, gingiva often means the alveolar part of the gum, or lower, but in anatomy the word is more often used to mean the lower part of the labio-buccal region. And the inflamed area of ​​the tooth and the gum adjacent to it is called the gingival area. The most common disease of gingiva is gingivitis, the causes of which are varied. By using